Trait: cervical carcinoma

Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) Information
Identifier EFO_0001061
Description A carcinoma arising from either the exocervical squamous epithelium or the endocervical glandular epithelium. The major histologic types of cervical carcinoma are: squamous carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma. [NCIT: C9039]
Trait category
Synonyms 22 synonyms
  • cancer of cervix
  • cancer of the cervix
  • cancer of the cervix
  • cancer of the uterine cervix
  • cancer of the uterine cervix
  • cancer of uterine cervix
  • cancer of uterine cervix
  • carcinoma cervix uteri
  • carcinoma of cervix
  • carcinoma of cervix uteri
  • carcinoma of the cervix
  • carcinoma of the cervix uteri
  • carcinoma of the uterine cervix
  • carcinoma of uterine cervix
  • cervical cancer
  • cervical cancer, NOS
  • cervical carcinoma
  • cervix cancer
  • cervix carcinoma
  • cervix uteri carcinoma
  • uterine cervix cancer
  • uterine cervix carcinoma
Mapped terms 9 mapped terms
  • DOID:2893
  • EFO:0001061
  • MEDGEN:86222
  • MONDO:0005131
  • NCIT:C9039
  • OMIM:603956
  • SCTID:285432005
  • UMLS:C0302592

Associated Polygenic Score(s)

Filter PGS by Participant Ancestry
Individuals included in:
G - Source of Variant Associations (GWAS)
D - Score Development/Training
E - PGS Evaluation
List of ancestries includes:
Display options:
Ancestry legend
Multi-ancestry (including European)
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)
East Asian
South Asian
Additional Asian Ancestries
Greater Middle Eastern
Hispanic or Latin American
Additional Diverse Ancestries
Not Reported
Polygenic Score ID & Name PGS Publication ID (PGP) Reported Trait Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) Number of Variants Ancestry distribution
Scoring File (FTP Link)
PGP000050 |
Graff RE et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Cervical cancer cervical carcinoma 10
PGP000186 |
Kachuri L et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Cervical cancer cervical carcinoma 10
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Cervical cancer cervical carcinoma 24
PGP000413 |
Namba S et al. Cancer Res (2022)
Cervical cancer cervical carcinoma 2,814
PGP000435 |
Koel M et al. Hum Mol Genet (2023)
Cervical cancer cervical carcinoma 2,894,555
PGP000711 |
Zhu M et al. PLoS Med (2025)
Cervical cancer cervical carcinoma 15

Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The performance metrics are displayed as reported by the source studies. It is important to note that metrics are not necessarily comparable with each other. For example, metrics depend on the sample characteristics (described by the PGS Catalog Sample Set [PSS] ID), phenotyping, and statistical modelling. Please refer to the source publication for additional guidance on performance.

PGS Performance
Metric ID (PPM)
Evaluated Score PGS Sample Set ID
Performance Source Trait PGS Effect Sizes
(per SD change)
Classification Metrics Other Metrics Covariates Included in the Model PGS Performance:
Other Relevant Information
PPM000193 PGS000073
European Ancestry|
226,216 individuals
PGP000050 |
Graff RE et al. Nat Commun (2021)
Reported Trait: Cervical cancer OR: 1.22 [1.19, 1.25] Genotyping reagent kit (GERA cohort only), genotyping array (UK Biobank only), age, 10 PCs. Results from meta-analysis of GERA and UKB
PPM002039 PGS000073
European Ancestry|
211,795 individuals
PGP000186 |
Kachuri L et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Reported Trait: Incident cervical cancer HR: 1.22 [1.09, 1.37] AUROC: 0.745
C-index: 0.75 (0.017)
Age at assessment, genotyping array, PCs(1-15), parity ( ≥1 live birth vs. none), oral contraceptive use (never used (0) vs. <20 years vs. ≥20 years), cigarette pack-years C-index calculated as a weighted average between 1 and 5 years and AUC at 5 years.
PPM002055 PGS000784
European Ancestry|
211,795 individuals
PGP000186 |
Kachuri L et al. Nat Commun (2020)
Reported Trait: Incident cervical cancer HR: 1.21 [1.07, 1.35] AUROC: 0.745
C-index: 0.749 (0.017)
: 0.437 Age at assessment, genotyping array, PCs(1-15), parity ( ≥1 live birth vs. none), oral contraceptive use (never used (0) vs. <20 years vs. ≥20 years), cigarette pack-years C-index calculated as a weighted average between 1 and 5 years and AUC at 5 years.
PPM008992 PGS001299
African Ancestry|
6,497 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Cervical cancer AUROC: 0.81923 [0.77827, 0.86018] : 0.1174
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): -0.00507
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00206
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.46736 [0.35923, 0.57549]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008993 PGS001299
East Asian Ancestry|
1,704 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Cervical cancer AUROC: 0.91431 [0.84118, 0.98744] : 0.22017
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00128
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.0
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.52896 [0.28465, 0.77326]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008994 PGS001299
European Ancestry|
24,905 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Cervical cancer AUROC: 0.76761 [0.74661, 0.7886] : 0.11284
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00676
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00263
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.55215 [0.51478, 0.58952]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008995 PGS001299
South Asian Ancestry|
7,831 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Cervical cancer AUROC: 0.83945 [0.77567, 0.90324] : 0.13265
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): -0.00075
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00058
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.46169 [0.30956, 0.61382]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008996 PGS001299
European Ancestry|
67,425 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Cervical cancer AUROC: 0.7705 [0.75816, 0.78284] : 0.11652
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00962
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00294
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.54769 [0.52291, 0.57247]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM016264 PGS003389
European Ancestry|
144,374 individuals
PGP000413 |
Namba S et al. Cancer Res (2022)
Reported Trait: cervical cancer AUROC: 0.563 : 0.00158 age, top 20 genetic principal components
PPM017102 PGS003428
European Ancestry|
128,113 individuals
PGP000435 |
Koel M et al. Hum Mol Genet (2023)
Reported Trait: Incident cervical cancer HR: 1.33 (0.069) C-index: 0.613 age, smoking
PPM022403 PGS005165
East Asian Ancestry|
57,359 individuals
PGP000711 |
Zhu M et al. PLoS Med (2025)
Reported Trait: Cervical Cancer HR: 1.2 [1.06, 1.36]
β: 0.182
C-index: 0.566 Age,Sex (if applicable),Region,Top 10 genetic ancestry principal components The HR and C-index values were derived from Cox proportional hazards regression models.

Evaluated Samples

PGS Sample Set ID
Phenotype Definitions and Methods Participant Follow-up Time Sample Numbers Age of Study Participants Sample Ancestry Additional Ancestry Description Cohort(s) Additional Sample/Cohort Information
PSS011943 ICD-10: C53 Median = 11.33 years
Range = [10.18, 12.26] years
  • 237 cases
  • , 57,122 controls
0.0 % Male samples
Mean = 53.69 years
Sd = 11.01 years
East Asian
PSS010075 C53
  • 1,482 cases
  • , 142,892 controls
UKB Controls were samples without any cancer diagnosis or self-reported cancer
PSS010125 C53, D06
  • 235 cases
  • , 127,878 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European EB
PSS001012 Individuals with at least one recorded incident diagnosis of a borderline, in situ, or malignant primary cancer were defined as cases.
  • 282 cases
  • , 211,513 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European UKB
  • 28 cases
  • , 6,469 controls
African unspecified UKB
  • 6 cases
  • , 1,698 controls
East Asian UKB
  • 231 cases
  • , 24,674 controls
European non-white British ancestry UKB
  • 13 cases
  • , 7,818 controls
South Asian UKB
  • 561 cases
  • , 66,864 controls
European white British ancestry UKB Testing cohort (heldout set)
PSS000112 Cancer diagnoses were obtained from reigstry data in GERA, and ICD-9/10 codes mapped to ICD-O-3 codes in UK Biobank. Cancers for this phenotype were classified using the following SEER site recode(s): 27010
  • 6,568 cases
  • , 219,648 controls
0.0 % Male samples
European GERA, UKB