Publication Information (EuropePMC) | |
Title | An Examination of the Relationship between Lipid Levels and Associated Genetic Markers across Racial/Ethnic Populations in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. |
PubMed ID | 25951326(Europe PMC) |
doi | 10.1371/journal.pone.0126361 |
Publication Date | May 7, 2015 |
Journal | PLoS One |
Author(s) | Johnson L, Zhu J, Scott ER, Wineinger NE. |
Polygenic Score ID & Name | PGS Publication ID (PGP) | Reported Trait | Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) | Number of Variants |
Ancestry distribution GWAS Dev Eval |
Scoring File (FTP Link) |
PGS000061 (GRS_LDL) |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol | low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement | 37 | - | |
PGS000060 (GRS_HDL) |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
HDL cholesterol | high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement | 46 | - | |
PGS000063 (GRS_TG) |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Triglycerides | triglyceride measurement | 32 | - | |
PGS000062 (GRS_TC) |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Total cholesterol | total cholesterol measurement | 52 | - | |
PGS Performance Metric ID (PPM) |
Evaluated Score |
PGS Sample Set ID (PSS) |
Performance Source | Trait |
PGS Effect Sizes (per SD change) |
Classification Metrics | Other Metrics | Covariates Included in the Model |
PGS Performance: Other Relevant Information |
PPM000151 | PGS000060 (GRS_HDL) |
PSS000098| European Ancestry| 2,063 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels | β: 8.39 | — | Beta (p-value): 2.76e-06 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_LDL, GRS_TC, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000152 | PGS000060 (GRS_HDL) |
PSS000097| East Asian Ancestry| 666 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels | β: 15.58 | — | Beta (p-value): 2.17e-07 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_LDL, GRS_TC, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000153 | PGS000060 (GRS_HDL) |
PSS000096| African Ancestry| 1,355 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels | β: 7.99 | — | Beta (p-value): 0.00036 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_LDL, GRS_TC, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000154 | PGS000060 (GRS_HDL) |
PSS000099| Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry| 1,256 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels | β: 10.97 | — | Beta (p-value): 6.48e-10 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_LDL, GRS_TC, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000155 | PGS000061 (GRS_LDL) |
PSS000098| European Ancestry| 2,063 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels | β: 15.0 | — | Beta (p-value): 0.0352 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_TC, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000156 | PGS000061 (GRS_LDL) |
PSS000097| East Asian Ancestry| 666 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels | β: 5.58 | — | Beta (p-value): 0.697 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_TC, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000157 | PGS000061 (GRS_LDL) |
PSS000096| African Ancestry| 1,355 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels | β: 30.04 | — | Beta (p-value): 0.00282 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_TC, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000158 | PGS000061 (GRS_LDL) |
PSS000099| Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry| 1,256 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels | β: 42.86 | — | Beta (p-value): 2e-05 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_TC, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000159 | PGS000062 (GRS_TC) |
PSS000098| European Ancestry| 2,063 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum total cholesterol (TC) levels | β: 20.69 | — | Beta (p-value): 0.0108 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_LDL, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000160 | PGS000062 (GRS_TC) |
PSS000097| East Asian Ancestry| 666 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum total cholesterol (TC) levels | β: 8.57 | — | Beta (p-value): 0.583 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_LDL, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000161 | PGS000062 (GRS_TC) |
PSS000096| African Ancestry| 1,355 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum total cholesterol (TC) levels | β: 1.99 | — | Beta (p-value): 0.852 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_LDL, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000162 | PGS000062 (GRS_TC) |
PSS000099| Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry| 1,256 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum total cholesterol (TC) levels | β: -2.62 | — | Beta (p-value): 0.815 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_LDL, GRS_TG | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000163 | PGS000063 (GRS_TG) |
PSS000098| European Ancestry| 2,063 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum triglyceride (TG) levels | β: 0.464 | — | Beta (p-value): 1.71e-11 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_LDL, GRS_TC | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000164 | PGS000063 (GRS_TG) |
PSS000097| East Asian Ancestry| 666 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum triglyceride (TG) levels | β: 0.337 | — | Beta (p-value): 0.0107 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_LDL, GRS_TC | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000166 | PGS000063 (GRS_TG) |
PSS000099| Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry| 1,256 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum triglyceride (TG) levels | β: 0.5 | — | Beta (p-value): 1.09e-10 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_LDL, GRS_TC | Association (p-value; unadjusted for covariates) < 0.001 |
PPM000165 | PGS000063 (GRS_TG) |
PSS000096| African Ancestry| 1,355 individuals |
PGP000045 | Johnson L et al. PLoS One (2015) |
Reported Trait: Serum triglyceride (TG) levels | β: 0.047 | — | Beta (p-value): 0.526 | age, age^2, sex, GRS_HDL, GRS_LDL, GRS_TC | — |
PGS Sample Set ID (PSS) |
Phenotype Definitions and Methods | Participant Follow-up Time | Sample Numbers | Age of Study Participants | Sample Ancestry | Additional Ancestry Description | Cohort(s) | Additional Sample/Cohort Information |
PSS000097 | Lipid levels are represented in mg/dL, individuals on any lipid-lowering medication (n = 1,018) were omitted from all analyses. | — | 666 individuals, 50.15 % Male samples |
Mean = 61.5 years | East Asian | — | MESA | MESA Classic Cohort |
PSS000098 | Lipid levels are represented in mg/dL, individuals on any lipid-lowering medication (n = 1,018) were omitted from all analyses. | — | 2,063 individuals, 46.78 % Male samples |
Mean = 62.09 years | European | — | MESA | MESA Classic Cohort |
PSS000099 | Lipid levels are represented in mg/dL, individuals on any lipid-lowering medication (n = 1,018) were omitted from all analyses. | — | 1,256 individuals, 48.89 % Male samples |
Mean = 60.65 years | Hispanic or Latin American | — | MESA | MESA Classic Cohort |
PSS000096 | Lipid levels are represented in mg/dL, individuals on any lipid-lowering medication (n = 1,018) were omitted from all analyses. | — | 1,355 individuals, 46.2 % Male samples |
Mean = 61.68 years | African American or Afro-Caribbean | — | MESA | MESA Classic Cohort |