Predicted Trait | |
Reported Trait | Atrial fibrillation |
Mapped Trait(s) | atrial fibrillation (EFO_0000275) |
Score Construction | |
PGS Name | GRS142_AF |
Development Method | |
Name | Genome-wide significant SNPs |
Parameters | NR |
Variants | |
Original Genome Build | GRCh38 |
Number of Variants | 142 |
Effect Weight Type | log(OR) |
PGS Source | |
PGS Catalog Publication (PGP) ID | PGP000709 |
Citation (link to publication) | Frederiksen TC et al. Heart (2024) |
Ancestry Distribution | |
Source of Variant Associations (GWAS) | European: 100% 1,030,836 individuals (100%) |
PGS Evaluation | European: 100% 1 Sample Sets |
Study Identifiers | Sample Numbers | Sample Ancestry | Cohort(s) |
GWAS Catalog: GCST006414 Europe PMC: 30061737 |
1,030,836 individuals | European | NR |
PGS Performance Metric ID (PPM) |
PGS Sample Set ID (PSS) |
Performance Source | Trait |
PGS Effect Sizes (per SD change) |
Classification Metrics | Other Metrics | Covariates Included in the Model |
PGS Performance: Other Relevant Information |
PPM022385 | PSS011934| European Ancestry| 3,094 individuals |
PGP000709 | Frederiksen TC et al. Heart (2024) |
Reported Trait: Atrial fibrillation | — | — | Hazard ratio (HR, high vs low tertile): 4.27 [3.61, 5.06] | age, sex, educational level, heart failure, stroke, diabetes mellitus, and myocardial infarction at baseline | — |
PPM022386 | PSS011934| European Ancestry| 3,094 individuals |
PGP000709 | Frederiksen TC et al. Heart (2024) |
Reported Trait: Atrial fibrillation x lifestyle status interaction | — | — | Hazard ratio (HR, poor lifestyle and high PRS vs. ideal lifestyle and low PRS): 11.33 [6.15, 20.85] | age, sex, educational level, heart failure, stroke, diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction and for competing risk of death | — |
PGS Sample Set ID (PSS) |
Phenotype Definitions and Methods | Participant Follow-up Time | Sample Numbers | Age of Study Participants | Sample Ancestry | Additional Ancestry Description | Cohort(s) | Additional Sample/Cohort Information |
PSS011934 | — | — | 3,094 individuals, 64.0 % Male samples |
— | European (Denmark) |
— | DCH | — |