Trait: chronic kidney disease

Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) Information
Identifier EFO_0003884
Description Impairment of the renal function secondary to chronic kidney damage persisting for three or more months. [NCIT: C80078]
Trait category
Other disease
Synonyms 36 synonyms
  • CKD
  • CKD - chronic kidney disease
  • Chronic Kidney Insufficiencies
  • Chronic Kidney Insufficiency
  • Chronic Renal Failure
  • Chronic Renal Insufficiencies
  • Disease, End-Stage Kidney
  • Disease, End-Stage Renal
  • ESRD
  • End Stage Kidney Disease
  • End Stage Renal Disease
  • End-Stage Kidney Disease
  • End-Stage Renal Disease
  • End-Stage Renal Failure
  • Kidney Disease, End-Stage
  • Kidney Failure, Chronic
  • Kidney Insufficiencies, Chronic
  • Kidney Insufficiency, Chronic
  • Renal Disease, End Stage
  • Renal Disease, End-Stage
  • Renal Failure, Chronic
  • Renal Failure, End Stage
  • Renal Failure, End-Stage
  • Renal Insufficiencies, Chronic
  • Renal Insufficiency, Chronic
  • chronic kidney disease
  • chronic kidney failure
  • chronic renal disease
  • chronic renal failure syndrome
  • chronic renal insufficiency
  • chronic renal insufficiency
  • kidney disease, chronic
  • renal failure - chronic
Mapped terms 21 mapped terms
  • DOID:784
  • ICD10:N18
  • ICD10CM:N18.9
  • ICD9:585
  • ICD9:585.6
  • MEDGEN:473458
  • MESH:D007676
  • MONDO:0005300
  • MeSH:D007676
  • MeSH:D051436
  • MedDRA:10038444
  • MedDRA:10064848
  • NANDO:2100008
  • NANDO:2100023
  • NCIT:C80078
  • NCIt:C80078
  • SCTID:709044004
  • SNOMEDCT:46177005
  • SNOMEDCT:90688005
  • UMLS:C1561643

Associated Polygenic Score(s)

Filter PGS by Participant Ancestry
Individuals included in:
G - Source of Variant Associations (GWAS)
D - Score Development/Training
E - PGS Evaluation
List of ancestries includes:
Display options:
Ancestry legend
Multi-ancestry (including European)
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)
East Asian
South Asian
Additional Asian Ancestries
Greater Middle Eastern
Hispanic or Latin American
Additional Diverse Ancestries
Not Reported
Polygenic Score ID & Name PGS Publication ID (PGP) Reported Trait Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) Number of Variants Ancestry distribution
Scoring File (FTP Link)
PGP000137 |
Ritchie SC et al. Nat Metab (2021)
Chronic kidney disease chronic kidney disease 1,958,860
PGP000211 |
Aly DM et al. Nat Genet (2021)
Chronic kidney disease chronic kidney disease 34
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Chronic renal failure (time-to-event) chronic kidney disease 158
PGP000269 |
Khan A et al. Nat Med (2022)
Chronic kidney disease (stage 3 or greater) chronic kidney disease 471,316
PGP000364 |
Mars N et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Chronic kidney disease chronic kidney disease 1,090,783
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 1,141,637
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 15,373
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 88,605
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 1,050,295
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 1,050,295
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 846,995
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 846,995
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 1,109,217
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 1,109,217
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 301
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 8,543
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 804,867
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) chronic kidney disease 1,135,455
PGP000524 |
Lan R et al. Tob Induc Dis (2023)
Chronic kidney disease chronic kidney disease 241
PGP000619 |
Mandla R et al. Genome Med (2024)
Chronic kidney disease chronic kidney disease 1,117,375
PGP000683 |
Jones AC et al. J Am Soc Nephrol (2024)
Chronic kidney disease (stage 3 or higher) chronic kidney disease 1,142,436
PGP000701 |
Loesch DP et al. medRxiv (2024)
Chronic kidney disease chronic kidney disease 1,116,379

Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The performance metrics are displayed as reported by the source studies. It is important to note that metrics are not necessarily comparable with each other. For example, metrics depend on the sample characteristics (described by the PGS Catalog Sample Set [PSS] ID), phenotyping, and statistical modelling. Please refer to the source publication for additional guidance on performance.

PGS Performance
Metric ID (PPM)
Evaluated Score PGS Sample Set ID
Performance Source Trait PGS Effect Sizes
(per SD change)
Classification Metrics Other Metrics Covariates Included in the Model PGS Performance:
Other Relevant Information
PPM001669 PGS000728
European Ancestry|
3,037 individuals
PGP000137 |
Ritchie SC et al. Nat Metab (2021)
Reported Trait: Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) β: -0.9 [-1.45, -0.36] age, sex, 10 genetic PCs
PPM002378 PGS000859
European Ancestry|
3,194 individuals
PGP000211 |
Aly DM et al. Nat Genet (2021)
Reported Trait: Severe Autoimmune Diabetes OR: 0.97 [0.88, 1.08] PC1-10
PPM002379 PGS000859
European Ancestry|
3,930 individuals
PGP000211 |
Aly DM et al. Nat Genet (2021)
Reported Trait: Severe Insulin-Deficient Diabetes OR: 0.98 [0.91, 1.05] PC1-10
PPM002380 PGS000859
European Ancestry|
3,869 individuals
PGP000211 |
Aly DM et al. Nat Genet (2021)
Reported Trait: Severe Insulin-Resistant Diabetes OR: 1.07 [1.0, 1.15] PC1-10
PPM002381 PGS000859
European Ancestry|
4,116 individuals
PGP000211 |
Aly DM et al. Nat Genet (2021)
Reported Trait: Moderate Obesity-related Diabetes OR: 1.0 [0.93, 1.06] PC1-10
PPM002382 PGS000859
European Ancestry|
5,597 individuals
PGP000211 |
Aly DM et al. Nat Genet (2021)
Reported Trait: Moderate Age-Related Diabetes OR: 0.98 [0.93, 1.03] PC1-10
PPM008858 PGS001272
African Ancestry|
6,497 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE chronic renal failure AUROC: 0.72548 [0.69772, 0.75323] : 0.09414
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): -0.00175
PGS R2 (no covariates): 8e-05
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.49007 [0.45724, 0.52289]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008859 PGS001272
East Asian Ancestry|
1,704 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE chronic renal failure AUROC: 0.76389 [0.67406, 0.85372] : 0.0985
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00241
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00158
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.53553 [0.42884, 0.64222]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008860 PGS001272
European Ancestry|
24,905 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE chronic renal failure AUROC: 0.73046 [0.71142, 0.74949] : 0.07894
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00093
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00109
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.52368 [0.50018, 0.54718]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008861 PGS001272
South Asian Ancestry|
7,831 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE chronic renal failure AUROC: 0.73226 [0.70793, 0.7566] : 0.10347
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): -0.00037
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00031
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.51162 [0.48335, 0.5399]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM008862 PGS001272
European Ancestry|
67,425 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: TTE chronic renal failure AUROC: 0.70402 [0.69403, 0.71401] : 0.06815
Incremental AUROC (full-covars): 0.00281
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00203
PGS AUROC (no covariates): 0.53623 [0.52445, 0.548]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs Full Model & PGS R2 is estimated using Nagelkerke's method
PPM012722 PGS002237
European Ancestry|
141,247 individuals
PGP000269 |
Khan A et al. Nat Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic Kidney Disease (stage 3 or greater) OR: 1.49 [1.47, 1.5] AUROC: 0.75 Age, Sex, Diabetes and 4 PCs
PPM012723 PGS002237
African Ancestry|
14,544 individuals
PGP000269 |
Khan A et al. Nat Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic Kidney Disease (stage 3 or greater) OR: 1.32 AUROC: 0.78 Age, Sex, Diabetes and 4 PCs
PPM012724 PGS002237
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
4,264 individuals
PGP000269 |
Khan A et al. Nat Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic Kidney Disease (stage 3 or greater) OR: 1.42 [1.29, 1.57] AUROC: 0.88 Age, Sex, Diabetes and 4 PCs
PPM012725 PGS002237
Additional Asian Ancestries|
10,087 individuals
PGP000269 |
Khan A et al. Nat Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic Kidney Disease (stage 3 or greater) OR: 1.56 [1.43, 1.69] AUROC: 0.79 Age, Sex, Diabetes and 4 PCs
PPM018706 PGS002237
European Ancestry|
11,813 individuals
PGP000495 |
Bakshi A et al. Kidney Int (2023)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease (eGFR <60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 or UACR >3.0 mg/mmol) OR: 1.24 [1.19, 1.3] AUROC: 0.68 [0.67, 0.69] age, sex, alcohol, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, body mass index, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin receptor blocker use, and visit year
PPM018707 PGS002237
European Ancestry|
11,813 individuals
PGP000495 |
Bakshi A et al. Kidney Int (2023)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease (eGFR <60 ml/min per 1.73 m2) OR: 1.51 [1.43, 1.59] AUROC: 0.71 [0.7, 0.73] age, sex, alcohol, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, body mass index, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin receptor blocker use, and visit year
PPM018708 PGS002237
European Ancestry|
11,813 individuals
PGP000495 |
Bakshi A et al. Kidney Int (2023)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease (eGFR <45 ml/min per 1.73 m2) OR: 1.47 [1.32, 1.65] AUROC: 0.78 [0.75, 0.8] age, sex, alcohol, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, body mass index, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin receptor blocker use, and visit year
PPM020420 PGS002237
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
1,144 individuals
PGP000552 |
Mantovani A et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther (2023)
Reported Trait: Estimated glomerular filtration rate β: -10.0 (1.32) sex, age, height, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, ALT aminotransferase, Fasting insulin, albuminuria, LDL-cholesterol, lipid-lowering treatment, ethnicity, PNPLA3 rs738409 p.I148M
PPM020421 PGS002237
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
144 individuals
PGP000552 |
Mantovani A et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther (2023)
Reported Trait: Estimated glomerular filtration rate β: -8.1 (4.23) sex, height, systolic blood pressure, LDL-cholesterol, ALT aminotransferase, albuminuria, PNPLA3 rs738409 p.I148M
PPM014957 PGS002757
European Ancestry|
39,444 individuals
PGP000364 |
Mars N et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease OR: 1.15 [1.05, 1.26] age, sex, 10 PCs, technical covariates
PPM019725 PGS003988
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.23024 [1.1933069, 1.26831825]
β: 0.20721 [0.17672836, 0.23769181]
AUROC: 0.5569 [0.54809362, 0.5656994] : 0.00793 [0.00579596, 0.01051282] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019726 PGS003988
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.19381 [1.16951283, 1.21861953]
β: 0.17715 [0.15658727, 0.19771868]
AUROC: 0.54995 [0.54404074, 0.55586256] : 0.00579 [0.00444117, 0.00724803] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019728 PGS003988
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.13529 [1.07019594, 1.20433419]
β: 0.12688 [0.06784175, 0.18592687]
AUROC: 0.53659 [0.51951047, 0.55367823] : 0.00315 [0.000898, 0.00660465] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019730 PGS003988
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.17463 [1.13092762, 1.22001596]
β: 0.16095 [0.1230382, 0.19886394]
AUROC: 0.54505 [0.53406509, 0.55603672] : 0.00477 [0.00284764, 0.00733529] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019732 PGS003988
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.21118 [1.10445411, 1.32821089]
β: 0.19159 [0.09935119, 0.28383284]
AUROC: 0.55261 [0.52561847, 0.57960659] : 0.00717 [0.00213366, 0.0157962] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019734 PGS003988
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.32812 [1.28320824, 1.37459563]
β: 0.28376 [0.24936338, 0.3181596]
AUROC: 0.5788 [0.56896997, 0.5886244] : 0.01492 [0.01181946, 0.01883422] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019791 PGS004004
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.21322 [1.17679487, 1.25076374]
β: 0.19327 [0.16279453, 0.22375436]
AUROC: 0.5533 [0.54444893, 0.56214449] : 0.0069 [0.00494085, 0.00942766] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019792 PGS004004
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.1667 [1.14294429, 1.19094092]
β: 0.15418 [0.13360764, 0.17474368]
AUROC: 0.54321 [0.53730061, 0.54912911] : 0.00439 [0.00324186, 0.00567621] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019794 PGS004004
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.14563 [1.07984697, 1.21542573]
β: 0.13596 [0.07681934, 0.19509441]
AUROC: 0.53841 [0.52122049, 0.55559138] : 0.00361 [0.0010689, 0.00745491] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019796 PGS004004
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.17435 [1.13067765, 1.21971447]
β: 0.16072 [0.12281715, 0.19861679]
AUROC: 0.54591 [0.53491235, 0.55689954] : 0.00476 [0.00282819, 0.00739137] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019798 PGS004004
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.17987 [1.07574801, 1.29405974]
β: 0.1654 [0.07301624, 0.25778436]
AUROC: 0.54599 [0.51853554, 0.57344894] : 0.00532 [0.000857, 0.01375478] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019800 PGS004004
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis β: 0.28325 [0.24886546, 0.31762566]
OR: 1.32743 [1.28256946, 1.37386187]
AUROC: 0.5783 [0.56845467, 0.5881504] : 0.01488 [0.01154959, 0.01893036] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019801 PGS004016
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.23332 [1.19630311, 1.27147495]
β: 0.20971 [0.17923606, 0.2401776]
AUROC: 0.55668 [0.54780184, 0.56556088] : 0.00813 [0.00590798, 0.01074639] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019802 PGS004016
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.19566 [1.17131638, 1.22050148]
β: 0.1787 [0.15812823, 0.19926182]
AUROC: 0.54987 [0.54395119, 0.55578505] : 0.00589 [0.00458824, 0.00743099] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019804 PGS004016
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.14431 [1.07861182, 1.21399945]
β: 0.1348 [0.07567487, 0.19392024]
AUROC: 0.53661 [0.51946095, 0.55376014] : 0.00355 [0.00110449, 0.00723333] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019806 PGS004016
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.18937 [1.1451028, 1.2353457]
β: 0.17342 [0.13549441, 0.21135085]
AUROC: 0.54941 [0.53844924, 0.56036734] : 0.00553 [0.00330295, 0.00842094] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019808 PGS004016
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.23734 [1.12826385, 1.35696338]
β: 0.21296 [0.12068003, 0.30524939]
AUROC: 0.5584 [0.53209215, 0.58469878] : 0.00885 [0.00264565, 0.01849334] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019810 PGS004016
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.3499 [1.30425668, 1.39713926]
β: 0.30003 [0.26563328, 0.33442676]
AUROC: 0.58281 [0.57298399, 0.59264029] : 0.01668 [0.01325458, 0.02089586] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019745 PGS004030
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.23112 [1.1941334, 1.26925559]
β: 0.20793 [0.17742073, 0.23843058]
AUROC: 0.55668 [0.5478157, 0.56555057] : 0.00797 [0.00585676, 0.01066813] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019746 PGS004030
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.19337 [1.16906302, 1.21817902]
β: 0.17678 [0.15620259, 0.19735714]
AUROC: 0.54995 [0.54405258, 0.55585351] : 0.00576 [0.00443121, 0.00725396] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019748 PGS004030
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.1534 [1.08721967, 1.22360124]
β: 0.14271 [0.08362368, 0.20179834]
AUROC: 0.54181 [0.52454977, 0.55907334] : 0.00398 [0.00123797, 0.00786976] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019750 PGS004030
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.17966 [1.13576082, 1.22525001]
β: 0.16522 [0.12730275, 0.20314491]
AUROC: 0.54738 [0.53635553, 0.55840799] : 0.00502 [0.00301088, 0.0076534] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019752 PGS004030
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.26323 [1.15148215, 1.38583278]
β: 0.23368 [0.14104994, 0.32630125]
AUROC: 0.56133 [0.53398949, 0.58866499] : 0.01058 [0.00360456, 0.02125432] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019754 PGS004030
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.37576 [1.32906928, 1.42409914]
β: 0.31901 [0.28447891, 0.35353943]
AUROC: 0.58872 [0.57899906, 0.59843563] : 0.01873 [0.01506559, 0.02314554] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019685 PGS004045
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.242 [1.20468213, 1.28047135]
β: 0.21672 [0.18621574, 0.24722825]
AUROC: 0.55911 [0.55023739, 0.56797892] : 0.00866 [0.00640403, 0.01139544] 0 beta = sd_trait/sd_pgs = pearson correlation
PPM019686 PGS004045
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.19906 [1.17464211, 1.2239762]
β: 0.18153 [0.16096351, 0.20210474]
AUROC: 0.5508 [0.54489488, 0.55670431] : 0.00608 [0.00470563, 0.00760115] 0 beta = sd_trait/sd_pgs = pearson correlation
PPM019688 PGS004045
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.1551 [1.08886145, 1.22537065]
β: 0.14419 [0.08513261, 0.20324337]
AUROC: 0.54134 [0.52407167, 0.55860959] : 0.00407 [0.00127295, 0.00787491] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019690 PGS004045
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.18451 [1.14041448, 1.23030035]
β: 0.16933 [0.13139177, 0.20725833]
AUROC: 0.549 [0.53797079, 0.56002041] : 0.00527 [0.00319058, 0.0079898] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019692 PGS004045
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.27638 [1.16349632, 1.40020791]
β: 0.24403 [0.15142954, 0.33662073]
AUROC: 0.56537 [0.53845702, 0.59228784] : 0.01155 [0.00425064, 0.0225531] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019694 PGS004045
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.37553 [1.32885232, 1.42384795]
β: 0.31884 [0.28431565, 0.35336303]
AUROC: 0.58851 [0.57882039, 0.59820663] : 0.01871 [0.01517095, 0.0232003] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019755 PGS004058
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.23792 [1.20070787, 1.2762774]
β: 0.21343 [0.18291127, 0.24394756]
AUROC: 0.5582 [0.54931317, 0.56709374] : 0.00839 [0.0061352, 0.01106649] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019756 PGS004058
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.20337 [1.17886771, 1.2283837]
β: 0.18513 [0.16455441, 0.20569924]
AUROC: 0.55164 [0.54571547, 0.55755818] : 0.00632 [0.00492841, 0.00788161] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019758 PGS004058
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.15047 [1.08443574, 1.22052591]
β: 0.14017 [0.0810598, 0.19928184]
AUROC: 0.53866 [0.52150184, 0.55581891] : 0.00384 [0.00124192, 0.00757291] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019760 PGS004058
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.18412 [1.14003279, 1.22990178]
β: 0.169 [0.13105703, 0.20693431]
AUROC: 0.54801 [0.53709608, 0.55891453] : 0.00525 [0.00330478, 0.007947] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019762 PGS004058
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.28993 [1.17631248, 1.41451521]
β: 0.25459 [0.16238452, 0.34678686]
AUROC: 0.57148 [0.54450673, 0.59844854] : 0.01269 [0.00469775, 0.0239924] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019764 PGS004058
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.36871 [1.32230724, 1.41674183]
β: 0.31387 [0.27937812, 0.34835975]
AUROC: 0.58807 [0.57841176, 0.59773335] : 0.01817 [0.01448802, 0.02239938] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019765 PGS004074
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.23578 [1.19864093, 1.27407333]
β: 0.2117 [0.18118836, 0.24221912]
AUROC: 0.55834 [0.54945617, 0.56721713] : 0.00826 [0.0060529, 0.01096439] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019766 PGS004074
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.20198 [1.17750562, 1.22696667]
β: 0.18397 [0.16339832, 0.204545]
AUROC: 0.55139 [0.54546982, 0.55731084] : 0.00624 [0.00487883, 0.00778005] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019768 PGS004074
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.14888 [1.08294317, 1.21882974]
β: 0.13879 [0.07968249, 0.19789117]
AUROC: 0.53919 [0.52190245, 0.55648558] : 0.00376 [0.00122428, 0.00743374] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019770 PGS004074
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.18135 [1.13738745, 1.22702028]
β: 0.16666 [0.12873393, 0.2045887]
AUROC: 0.5476 [0.53666358, 0.55854038] : 0.00511 [0.00310772, 0.00765944] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019772 PGS004074
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.27181 [1.15969721, 1.39475076]
β: 0.24044 [0.14815895, 0.33271573]
AUROC: 0.56733 [0.54022352, 0.5944359] : 0.01129 [0.00382693, 0.02284883] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019774 PGS004074
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.37315 [1.32665979, 1.42127286]
β: 0.31711 [0.28266434, 0.35155285]
AUROC: 0.58868 [0.57900777, 0.59834895] : 0.0186 [0.01476562, 0.02283747] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019781 PGS004088
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.22843 [1.19153981, 1.26646878]
β: 0.20574 [0.17524643, 0.23623254]
AUROC: 0.55653 [0.54765933, 0.56540856] : 0.00781 [0.00563191, 0.01041575] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019782 PGS004088
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.1913 [1.16704613, 1.21605305]
β: 0.17504 [0.15447588, 0.19561041]
AUROC: 0.54924 [0.5433243, 0.55515418] : 0.00565 [0.00431514, 0.00712059] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019784 PGS004088
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.13127 [1.06637448, 1.20011164]
β: 0.12334 [0.06426456, 0.18241459]
AUROC: 0.53583 [0.51862088, 0.55304253] : 0.00297 [0.000741, 0.00647426] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019786 PGS004088
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.18048 [1.1365521, 1.2261114]
β: 0.16592 [0.1279992, 0.2038477]
AUROC: 0.54776 [0.53673488, 0.55877755] : 0.00506 [0.00298452, 0.00774105] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019788 PGS004088
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.24645 [1.13649584, 1.36704818]
β: 0.2203 [0.1279497, 0.3126538]
AUROC: 0.55994 [0.53259954, 0.58727106] : 0.00946 [0.0028877, 0.01972058] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019790 PGS004088
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.34394 [1.29844261, 1.39102695]
β: 0.2956 [0.26116555, 0.33004229]
AUROC: 0.58198 [0.5721855, 0.5917799] : 0.01616 [0.01278626, 0.020327] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019775 PGS004101
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.22532 [1.18851386, 1.26325581]
β: 0.2032 [0.17270367, 0.23369237]
AUROC: 0.55606 [0.547198, 0.56491847] : 0.00762 [0.00536091, 0.01014781] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019776 PGS004101
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.18489 [1.16077298, 1.20951101]
β: 0.16965 [0.14908615, 0.19021616]
AUROC: 0.54819 [0.54227366, 0.5541051] : 0.00531 [0.00400902, 0.00668264] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019777 PGS004101
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.14104 [1.07556721, 1.2104902]
β: 0.13194 [0.07284816, 0.1910254]
AUROC: 0.53777 [0.5204936, 0.5550378] : 0.0034 [0.00097, 0.00704828] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019778 PGS004101
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.17256 [1.12892993, 1.21787166]
β: 0.15919 [0.12127022, 0.19710479]
AUROC: 0.54519 [0.53420769, 0.55617479] : 0.00466 [0.00273122, 0.00728332] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019780 PGS004101
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.33357 [1.28842926, 1.38028911]
β: 0.28786 [0.25342385, 0.32229297]
AUROC: 0.57986 [0.57008693, 0.58963579] : 0.01532 [0.01200722, 0.01924268] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019779 PGS004101
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.26007 [1.14862762, 1.38232056]
β: 0.23117 [0.13856786, 0.32376365]
AUROC: 0.56155 [0.53424355, 0.58884693] : 0.01036 [0.00343094, 0.02152581] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019695 PGS004112
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.11711 [1.08354981, 1.1517165]
β: 0.11075 [0.08024251, 0.14125344]
AUROC: 0.53098 [0.52218163, 0.5397727] : 0.00226 [0.00115104, 0.00371754] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019696 PGS004112
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.08316 [1.06111158, 1.1056714]
β: 0.07988 [0.05931702, 0.10045276]
AUROC: 0.52292 [0.51695487, 0.52887984] : 0.00118 [0.000667, 0.00186979] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019698 PGS004112
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.09504 [1.03218969, 1.16172289]
β: 0.09079 [0.03168246, 0.14990416]
AUROC: 0.52313 [0.50630493, 0.53996214] : 0.00161 [0.000255, 0.0045369] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019700 PGS004112
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.10467 [1.06360102, 1.14732104]
β: 0.09955 [0.06166034, 0.13742969]
AUROC: 0.52902 [0.51819273, 0.53985452] : 0.00182 [0.000718, 0.00348019] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019702 PGS004112
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.07811 [0.98326401, 1.18210438]
β: 0.07521 [-0.0168776, 0.16729622]
AUROC: 0.5239 [0.49651631, 0.55128236] : 0.00111 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019704 PGS004112
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.18494 [1.14485436, 1.22642284]
β: 0.16969 [0.13527743, 0.20410167]
AUROC: 0.54777 [0.53787572, 0.55765716] : 0.00532 [0.0033413, 0.00779053] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019705 PGS004128
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.2025 [1.16636806, 1.2397516]
β: 0.1844 [0.15389469, 0.21491104]
AUROC: 0.55023 [0.54135599, 0.559099] : 0.00627 [0.00435827, 0.00856503] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019706 PGS004128
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.17535 [1.15142439, 1.19977503]
β: 0.16157 [0.14099978, 0.18213407]
AUROC: 0.54523 [0.53930961, 0.55115477] : 0.00482 [0.00358875, 0.00612231] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019708 PGS004128
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.12482 [1.06025656, 1.19330703]
β: 0.11762 [0.05851091, 0.17672847]
AUROC: 0.53332 [0.51646506, 0.55018411] : 0.0027 [0.0007, 0.00584058] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019710 PGS004128
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.14728 [1.10458176, 1.19163636]
β: 0.1374 [0.09946677, 0.17532746]
AUROC: 0.53943 [0.52861548, 0.5502363] : 0.00347 [0.00192227, 0.00568946] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019712 PGS004128
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.1553 [1.05374053, 1.26664882]
β: 0.14436 [0.05234624, 0.23637469]
AUROC: 0.54517 [0.51832281, 0.57201744] : 0.00409 [0.000529, 0.01115553] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019714 PGS004128
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.28244 [1.23903323, 1.32736551]
β: 0.24876 [0.21433143, 0.28319616]
AUROC: 0.56988 [0.56003795, 0.57971632] : 0.01143 [0.00850992, 0.01493158] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019735 PGS004142
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.23421 [1.1971035, 1.27246409]
β: 0.21043 [0.17990489, 0.24095525]
AUROC: 0.55802 [0.54918921, 0.56685227] : 0.00815 [0.00604905, 0.01091751] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019736 PGS004142
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.18832 [1.16411907, 1.21301494]
β: 0.17254 [0.15196464, 0.19310895]
AUROC: 0.5484 [0.54249359, 0.55430069] : 0.00549 [0.00421183, 0.00693354] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019738 PGS004142
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.14325 [1.07765597, 1.21284605]
β: 0.13388 [0.07478828, 0.1929697]
AUROC: 0.53931 [0.52207763, 0.55653919] : 0.0035 [0.00100406, 0.00686106] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019740 PGS004142
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.17317 [1.12954087, 1.21849136]
β: 0.15971 [0.12181124, 0.1976135]
AUROC: 0.54585 [0.53478619, 0.55691572] : 0.0047 [0.00273548, 0.00734604] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019742 PGS004142
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.23784 [1.12881937, 1.35739617]
β: 0.21337 [0.12117228, 0.30556828]
AUROC: 0.55658 [0.52964669, 0.58350585] : 0.0089 [0.00283215, 0.01902499] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019744 PGS004142
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.36398 [1.31765357, 1.41192727]
β: 0.3104 [0.27585256, 0.34495563]
AUROC: 0.58616 [0.5764651, 0.59585397] : 0.0177 [0.01412712, 0.02191158] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019715 PGS004158
European Ancestry|
199,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.24774 [1.21024124, 1.28640596]
β: 0.22134 [0.19081971, 0.25185225]
AUROC: 0.5605 [0.55159339, 0.56940394] : 0.00903 [0.006646, 0.0118921] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019716 PGS004158
European Ancestry|
383,843 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.20836 [1.18374816, 1.23347765]
β: 0.18926 [0.16868581, 0.20983754]
AUROC: 0.55287 [0.54695878, 0.5587764] : 0.00661 [0.00515137, 0.00817172] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019717 PGS004158
South Asian Ancestry|
44,057 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.15782 [1.09138666, 1.22828956]
β: 0.14654 [0.08744905, 0.2056226]
AUROC: 0.54098 [0.52370308, 0.55825739] : 0.0042 [0.00129517, 0.00807866] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019718 PGS004158
European Ancestry|
66,865 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.19045 [1.1461212, 1.23649154]
β: 0.17433 [0.13638337, 0.21227796]
AUROC: 0.54974 [0.53876724, 0.56070286] : 0.00558 [0.00339004, 0.00833644] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019719 PGS004158
South Asian Ancestry|
9,326 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.28519 [1.17169613, 1.40968659]
β: 0.25091 [0.15845238, 0.3433674]
AUROC: 0.56886 [0.54177489, 0.5959538] : 0.01225 [0.00436153, 0.02402287] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM019720 PGS004158
European Ancestry|
90,274 individuals
PGP000517 |
Monti R et al. Am J Hum Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease or dialysis OR: 1.38925 [1.34216238, 1.43798349]
β: 0.32876 [0.29428203, 0.36324178]
AUROC: 0.59165 [0.58198776, 0.60131927] : 0.01996 [0.01607829, 0.02453676] 0 beta = log(or)/sd_pgs
PPM020162 PGS004224
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
214,244 individuals
PGP000524 |
Lan R et al. Tob Induc Dis (2023)
Reported Trait: Incident CKD with second hand smoke exposure Hazard ratio (HR, second hand smoke exposure and high PRS vs. no exposure and low PRS): 1.34 [1.21, 1.48] Age, sex, race, physical activity, Townsend deprivation index, alcohol consumption, total triglyceride, body mass index, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus
PPM021269 PGS004889
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
11,645 individuals
PGP000619 |
Mandla R et al. Genome Med (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident chronic kidney disease cases with diabetes HR: 1.33 [1.18, 1.5] C-index: 0.727 first 10 ancestry PCs, age, sex, diagnosis history, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, weight and HTN diagnosis combined ino a clinical risk score
PPM021267 PGS004889
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
11,645 individuals
PGP000619 |
Mandla R et al. Genome Med (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident chronic kidney disease cases without diabetes HR: 1.3 [1.18, 1.44] C-index: 0.78 first 10 ancestry PCs, age, sex, diagnosis history, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, weight and HTN diagnosis combined into a clinical risk score
PPM022177 PGS005090
African Ancestry|
67,819 individuals
PGP000683 |
Jones AC et al. J Am Soc Nephrol (2024)
Reported Trait: Chronic kidney disease OR: 1.41 [1.14, 1.76] AUROC: 0.9 : 0.1 age, sex, diabetes, PC1-PC10
PPM022304 PGS005113
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
48,603 individuals
PGP000701 |
Loesch DP et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: chronic kidney disease OR: 1.35 [1.29, 1.41] age, age^2, sex, UKB centre, array, genetic PCS 1-20
PPM022315 PGS005113
European Ancestry|
45,356 individuals
PGP000701 |
Loesch DP et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: chronic kidney disease OR: 1.35 [1.29, 1.42] age, age^2, sex, UKB centre, array, genetic PCS 1-20

Evaluated Samples

PGS Sample Set ID
Phenotype Definitions and Methods Participant Follow-up Time Sample Numbers Age of Study Participants Sample Ancestry Additional Ancestry Description Cohort(s) Additional Sample/Cohort Information
PSS011829 CKD (stage 3 or higher) per KDIGO staging
  • 103 cases
  • , 1,759 controls
37.0 % Male samples
Mean = [18.0, 99.0] years African American or Afro-Caribbean
(African American)
  • 478 cases
  • , 8,848 controls
South Asian UKB
PSS011300 196,354 individuals European UKB Full combined ancestry cohort: percent males = 57.9%
PSS011300 17,890 individuals Not reported UKB Full combined ancestry cohort: percent males = 57.9%
PSS001084 Moderate Age-Related Diabetes (MARD) vs. controls
  • 2,853 cases
  • , 2,744 controls
European Swedish ANDIS
PSS001085 Moderate Obesity-related Diabetes (MOD) vs. controls
  • 1,372 cases
  • , 2,744 controls
European Swedish ANDIS
PSS001086 Severe Autoimmune Diabetes (SAID) vs. controls
  • 450 cases
  • , 2,744 controls
European Swedish ANDIS
PSS001087 Severe Insulin-Deficient Diabetes (SIDD) vs. controls
  • 1,186 cases
  • , 2,744 controls
European Swedish ANDIS
PSS001088 Severe Insulin-Resistant Diabetes (SIRD) vs. controls
  • 1,125 cases
  • , 2,744 controls
European Swedish ANDIS
  • 4,224 cases
  • , 195,050 controls
European EB
PSS011354 1,144 individuals,
36.5 % Male samples
Mean = 54.0 years
Sd = 6.0 years
European, Not reported European (>90%), Not reported NR Liver-Bible-2022
PSS011355 Median = 17.0 months 144 individuals European, Not reported European, Not reported NR Liver-Bible-2022
PSS011911 ICD10: E11 for T2D, N18 for CKD, first occurence of I20-125 for CAD. BMI: baseline body mass index Median = 14.8 years 48,603 individuals,
46.0 % Male samples
Mean = 56.8 years
Sd = 8.2 years
European, East Asian, South Asian, Hispanic or Latin American, African unspecified UKB
PSS011670 Inclusion: MGH encounter AND ICD-9 code for diabetes AND Problem list term for diabetes OR HbA1C >6.5 in prior 3 years Exclusion: Problem list term not associated with diabetes; Inclusion problem list terms: DM, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Nephropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic foot care, Diabetic foot infection, Diabetes Mellitus without complication, Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Insulin dependent diabetes without complications, Type 1, Diabetes mellitus I, DM type I, Juvenile, DM type i, Type I DM, Diabetes Mellitus type 1, Juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled, DM1, Adult onset, AODM, Type 2, DM type ii, Diabetes mellitus ii, DMii, Type 2 DM, Type ii DM, Diabetes mellitus type 2, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 2 diabetes mellitus well controlled, Diabetes adult-adult onset, NIDDM.; Inclusion ICD-9 codes: 250.21, 250.23, 250.11, 250.13, 250.61, 250.63, 250.51, 250.53, 250.31, 250.33, 250.81, 250.83, 250.71, 250.73, 250.41, 250.43, 250.91, 250.93, 250.01, 250.03, 250.20, 250.22, 250.10, 250.12, 250.60, 250.62, 250.50, 250.52, 250.30, 250.32, 250.80, 250.82, 250.70, 250.72, 250.40, 250.42, 250.90, 250.92, 250.00, 250.02; Exclusion problem list terms: negative, neg, r/o, risk, rule out, no, consider diabetes, borderline, gestational, maternal, pregnancy, glucose impai, impaired glucose, insipidus, pre diabetes, prediab, family history, PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Median = 13.9 years 10,041 individuals,
44.8 % Male samples
Mean = 60.8 years European MGBB
PSS011670 Inclusion: MGH encounter AND ICD-9 code for diabetes AND Problem list term for diabetes OR HbA1C >6.5 in prior 3 years Exclusion: Problem list term not associated with diabetes; Inclusion problem list terms: DM, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Nephropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic foot care, Diabetic foot infection, Diabetes Mellitus without complication, Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Insulin dependent diabetes without complications, Type 1, Diabetes mellitus I, DM type I, Juvenile, DM type i, Type I DM, Diabetes Mellitus type 1, Juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled, DM1, Adult onset, AODM, Type 2, DM type ii, Diabetes mellitus ii, DMii, Type 2 DM, Type ii DM, Diabetes mellitus type 2, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 2 diabetes mellitus well controlled, Diabetes adult-adult onset, NIDDM.; Inclusion ICD-9 codes: 250.21, 250.23, 250.11, 250.13, 250.61, 250.63, 250.51, 250.53, 250.31, 250.33, 250.81, 250.83, 250.71, 250.73, 250.41, 250.43, 250.91, 250.93, 250.01, 250.03, 250.20, 250.22, 250.10, 250.12, 250.60, 250.62, 250.50, 250.52, 250.30, 250.32, 250.80, 250.82, 250.70, 250.72, 250.40, 250.42, 250.90, 250.92, 250.00, 250.02; Exclusion problem list terms: negative, neg, r/o, risk, rule out, no, consider diabetes, borderline, gestational, maternal, pregnancy, glucose impai, impaired glucose, insipidus, pre diabetes, prediab, family history, PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Median = 13.9 years 754 individuals,
44.8 % Male samples
Mean = 60.8 years Hispanic or Latin American MGBB
PSS011670 Inclusion: MGH encounter AND ICD-9 code for diabetes AND Problem list term for diabetes OR HbA1C >6.5 in prior 3 years Exclusion: Problem list term not associated with diabetes; Inclusion problem list terms: DM, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Nephropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic foot care, Diabetic foot infection, Diabetes Mellitus without complication, Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Insulin dependent diabetes without complications, Type 1, Diabetes mellitus I, DM type I, Juvenile, DM type i, Type I DM, Diabetes Mellitus type 1, Juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled, DM1, Adult onset, AODM, Type 2, DM type ii, Diabetes mellitus ii, DMii, Type 2 DM, Type ii DM, Diabetes mellitus type 2, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 2 diabetes mellitus well controlled, Diabetes adult-adult onset, NIDDM.; Inclusion ICD-9 codes: 250.21, 250.23, 250.11, 250.13, 250.61, 250.63, 250.51, 250.53, 250.31, 250.33, 250.81, 250.83, 250.71, 250.73, 250.41, 250.43, 250.91, 250.93, 250.01, 250.03, 250.20, 250.22, 250.10, 250.12, 250.60, 250.62, 250.50, 250.52, 250.30, 250.32, 250.80, 250.82, 250.70, 250.72, 250.40, 250.42, 250.90, 250.92, 250.00, 250.02; Exclusion problem list terms: negative, neg, r/o, risk, rule out, no, consider diabetes, borderline, gestational, maternal, pregnancy, glucose impai, impaired glucose, insipidus, pre diabetes, prediab, family history, PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Median = 13.9 years 343 individuals,
44.8 % Male samples
Mean = 60.8 years African unspecified MGBB
PSS011670 Inclusion: MGH encounter AND ICD-9 code for diabetes AND Problem list term for diabetes OR HbA1C >6.5 in prior 3 years Exclusion: Problem list term not associated with diabetes; Inclusion problem list terms: DM, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Nephropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic foot care, Diabetic foot infection, Diabetes Mellitus without complication, Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Insulin dependent diabetes without complications, Type 1, Diabetes mellitus I, DM type I, Juvenile, DM type i, Type I DM, Diabetes Mellitus type 1, Juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled, DM1, Adult onset, AODM, Type 2, DM type ii, Diabetes mellitus ii, DMii, Type 2 DM, Type ii DM, Diabetes mellitus type 2, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 2 diabetes mellitus well controlled, Diabetes adult-adult onset, NIDDM.; Inclusion ICD-9 codes: 250.21, 250.23, 250.11, 250.13, 250.61, 250.63, 250.51, 250.53, 250.31, 250.33, 250.81, 250.83, 250.71, 250.73, 250.41, 250.43, 250.91, 250.93, 250.01, 250.03, 250.20, 250.22, 250.10, 250.12, 250.60, 250.62, 250.50, 250.52, 250.30, 250.32, 250.80, 250.82, 250.70, 250.72, 250.40, 250.42, 250.90, 250.92, 250.00, 250.02; Exclusion problem list terms: negative, neg, r/o, risk, rule out, no, consider diabetes, borderline, gestational, maternal, pregnancy, glucose impai, impaired glucose, insipidus, pre diabetes, prediab, family history, PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Median = 13.9 years 181 individuals,
44.8 % Male samples
Mean = 60.8 years East Asian MGBB
PSS011670 Inclusion: MGH encounter AND ICD-9 code for diabetes AND Problem list term for diabetes OR HbA1C >6.5 in prior 3 years Exclusion: Problem list term not associated with diabetes; Inclusion problem list terms: DM, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Nephropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic foot care, Diabetic foot infection, Diabetes Mellitus without complication, Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Insulin dependent diabetes without complications, Type 1, Diabetes mellitus I, DM type I, Juvenile, DM type i, Type I DM, Diabetes Mellitus type 1, Juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled, DM1, Adult onset, AODM, Type 2, DM type ii, Diabetes mellitus ii, DMii, Type 2 DM, Type ii DM, Diabetes mellitus type 2, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 2 diabetes mellitus well controlled, Diabetes adult-adult onset, NIDDM.; Inclusion ICD-9 codes: 250.21, 250.23, 250.11, 250.13, 250.61, 250.63, 250.51, 250.53, 250.31, 250.33, 250.81, 250.83, 250.71, 250.73, 250.41, 250.43, 250.91, 250.93, 250.01, 250.03, 250.20, 250.22, 250.10, 250.12, 250.60, 250.62, 250.50, 250.52, 250.30, 250.32, 250.80, 250.82, 250.70, 250.72, 250.40, 250.42, 250.90, 250.92, 250.00, 250.02; Exclusion problem list terms: negative, neg, r/o, risk, rule out, no, consider diabetes, borderline, gestational, maternal, pregnancy, glucose impai, impaired glucose, insipidus, pre diabetes, prediab, family history, PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Median = 13.9 years 83 individuals,
44.8 % Male samples
Mean = 60.8 years South Asian MGBB
PSS011670 Inclusion: MGH encounter AND ICD-9 code for diabetes AND Problem list term for diabetes OR HbA1C >6.5 in prior 3 years Exclusion: Problem list term not associated with diabetes; Inclusion problem list terms: DM, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Nephropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic foot care, Diabetic foot infection, Diabetes Mellitus without complication, Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Insulin dependent diabetes without complications, Type 1, Diabetes mellitus I, DM type I, Juvenile, DM type i, Type I DM, Diabetes Mellitus type 1, Juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled, DM1, Adult onset, AODM, Type 2, DM type ii, Diabetes mellitus ii, DMii, Type 2 DM, Type ii DM, Diabetes mellitus type 2, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 2 diabetes mellitus well controlled, Diabetes adult-adult onset, NIDDM.; Inclusion ICD-9 codes: 250.21, 250.23, 250.11, 250.13, 250.61, 250.63, 250.51, 250.53, 250.31, 250.33, 250.81, 250.83, 250.71, 250.73, 250.41, 250.43, 250.91, 250.93, 250.01, 250.03, 250.20, 250.22, 250.10, 250.12, 250.60, 250.62, 250.50, 250.52, 250.30, 250.32, 250.80, 250.82, 250.70, 250.72, 250.40, 250.42, 250.90, 250.92, 250.00, 250.02; Exclusion problem list terms: negative, neg, r/o, risk, rule out, no, consider diabetes, borderline, gestational, maternal, pregnancy, glucose impai, impaired glucose, insipidus, pre diabetes, prediab, family history, PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Median = 13.9 years 87 individuals,
44.8 % Male samples
Mean = 60.8 years Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian) MGBB
PSS011670 Inclusion: MGH encounter AND ICD-9 code for diabetes AND Problem list term for diabetes OR HbA1C >6.5 in prior 3 years Exclusion: Problem list term not associated with diabetes; Inclusion problem list terms: DM, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Nephropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic foot care, Diabetic foot infection, Diabetes Mellitus without complication, Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Insulin dependent diabetes without complications, Type 1, Diabetes mellitus I, DM type I, Juvenile, DM type i, Type I DM, Diabetes Mellitus type 1, Juvenile onset diabetes mellitus, Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled, DM1, Adult onset, AODM, Type 2, DM type ii, Diabetes mellitus ii, DMii, Type 2 DM, Type ii DM, Diabetes mellitus type 2, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled, Type 2 diabetes mellitus well controlled, Diabetes adult-adult onset, NIDDM.; Inclusion ICD-9 codes: 250.21, 250.23, 250.11, 250.13, 250.61, 250.63, 250.51, 250.53, 250.31, 250.33, 250.81, 250.83, 250.71, 250.73, 250.41, 250.43, 250.91, 250.93, 250.01, 250.03, 250.20, 250.22, 250.10, 250.12, 250.60, 250.62, 250.50, 250.52, 250.30, 250.32, 250.80, 250.82, 250.70, 250.72, 250.40, 250.42, 250.90, 250.92, 250.00, 250.02; Exclusion problem list terms: negative, neg, r/o, risk, rule out, no, consider diabetes, borderline, gestational, maternal, pregnancy, glucose impai, impaired glucose, insipidus, pre diabetes, prediab, family history, PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Median = 13.9 years 156 individuals,
44.8 % Male samples
Mean = 60.8 years Not reported MGBB
PSS011912 ICD10: E11 for T2D, N18 for CKD, first occurence of I20-125 for CAD, K76.0 for NAFLD. BMI: baseline body mass index Median = 14.8 years 45,356 individuals,
46.0 % Male samples
Mean = 57.1 years
Sd = 8.1 years
European UKB
PSS011228 N14_CHRONKIDNEYDIS, ICD10: N18, ICD9: 585, include dialysis (ICD10 Z992|Y841)
  • 9,314 cases
  • , 374,529 controls
European FinnGen
PSS011075 11,813 individuals,
45.8 % Male samples
Mean = 75.0 years
Sd = 4.2 years
European ASPREE
  • 323 cases
  • , 6,174 controls
African unspecified UKB
  • 26 cases
  • , 1,678 controls
East Asian UKB
PSS009939 39,444 individuals European
  • 610 cases
  • , 24,295 controls
European non-white British ancestry UKB
PSS000870 Serum creatinine was quantified by Metabolon HD4 metabolomics in mg/dL units, and adjusted for sample measurement batch, sample measurement plate, and days between blood draw and sample processing. Subsequently, eGFR was quantified from serum creatinine using the CKD-EPI equation 3,037 individuals,
51.0 % Male samples
Median = 44.0 years
IQR = [30.5, 54.7] years
  • 2,373 cases
  • , 65,052 controls
European white British ancestry UKB Testing cohort (heldout set)
  • 416 cases
  • , 7,415 controls
South Asian UKB
  • 1,131 cases
  • , 42,926 controls
South Asian G&H
PSS009506 eGFR<60 mL/min/1.73m2 used to define CKD (stage 3 or greater)
  • 4,268 cases
  • , 10,276 controls
0.61 % Male samples
Mean = 61.0 years African unspecified 7 cohorts
  • BioMe
  • ,GenHAT
  • ,UKB
  • ,WPC
  • ,eMERGE
PSS009507 eGFR<60 mL/min/1.73m2 used to define CKD (stage 3 or greater)
  • 969 cases
  • , 9,118 controls
0.51 % Male samples
Mean = 58.0 years Asian unspecified BioMe, UKB, eMERGE
PSS009508 eGFR<60 mL/min/1.73m2 used to define CKD (stage 3 or greater)
  • 23,364 cases
  • , 117,883 controls
0.5 % Male samples
Mean = 61.59 years European BioMe, UKB, eMERGE
PSS009509 eGFR<60 mL/min/1.73m2 used to define CKD (stage 3 or greater)
  • 1,386 cases
  • , 2,878 controls
0.51 % Male samples
Mean = 64.0 years Hispanic or Latin American BioMe, UKB, eMERGE
  • 2,802 cases
  • , 64,063 controls
European HUNT
  • 3,374 cases
  • , 86,900 controls
European UKB