PGS Publication: PGP000501

Publication Information (EuropePMC)
Title Clinical utility of polygenic scores for cardiometabolic disease in Arabs.
PubMed ID 37852978(Europe PMC)
doi 10.1038/s41467-023-41985-1
Publication Date Oct. 18, 2023
Journal Nature Communications
Author(s) Shim I, Kuwahara H, Chen N, Hashem MO, AlAbdi L, Abouelhoda M, Won HH, Natarajan P, Ellinor PT, Khera AV, Gao X, Alkuraya FS, Fahed AC.
Released in PGS Catalog: Nov. 1, 2023

Associated Polygenic Score(s)

Filter PGS by Participant Ancestry
Individuals included in:
G - Source of Variant Associations (GWAS)
D - Score Development/Training
E - PGS Evaluation
List of ancestries includes:
Display options:
Ancestry legend
Multi-ancestry (including European)
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)
East Asian
South Asian
Additional Asian Ancestries
Greater Middle Eastern
Hispanic or Latin American
Additional Diverse Ancestries
Not Reported

PGS Developed By This Publication

Polygenic Score ID & Name PGS Publication ID (PGP) Reported Trait Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) Number of Variants Ancestry distribution
Scoring File (FTP Link)
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,056,790
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Coronary artery disease coronary artery disease 10,440
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 1,068,166
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Cardiomyopathy cardiomyopathy 1,010,014
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Height body height 1,067,771
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
HDL cholesterol high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 882,001
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Diastolic blood pressure diastolic blood pressure 25,857
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
LDL cholesterol low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 1,054,648
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Body mass index (BMI) body mass index 882,001
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Body mass index (BMI) body mass index 922,653
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
HDL cholesterol high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 1,022,259
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Height body height 882,001
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Height body height 941,406
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
HDL cholesterol high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 1,054,648
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
LDL cholesterol low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 1,069,677
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
HDL cholesterol high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 1,069,677
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Triglyceride triglyceride measurement 54,623
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Height body height 921,738
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Body mass index (BMI) body mass index 1,067,771
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
HDL cholesterol high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 1,067,858
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
LDL cholesterol low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 882,001
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
LDL cholesterol low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 1,022,259
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
LDL cholesterol low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 1,067,857
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
LDL cholesterol low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 958,649
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
HDL cholesterol high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement 958,649
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Body mass index (BMI) body mass index 941,406

Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The performance metrics are displayed as reported by the source studies. It is important to note that metrics are not necessarily comparable with each other. For example, metrics depend on the sample characteristics (described by the PGS Catalog Sample Set [PSS] ID), phenotyping, and statistical modelling. Please refer to the source publication for additional guidance on performance.

PGS Performance
Metric ID (PPM)
Evaluated Score PGS Sample Set ID
Performance Source Trait PGS Effect Sizes
(per SD change)
Classification Metrics Other Metrics Covariates Included in the Model PGS Performance:
Other Relevant Information
PPM018758 PGS003866
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Coronary artery disease OR: 1.51 [1.42, 1.61] AUROC: 0.795 [0.7768, 0.8132] age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry
PPM018759 PGS003867
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.83 [1.74, 1.92] AUROC: 0.7384 [0.7194, 0.7574] age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry
PPM018760 PGS003868
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Cardiomyopathy OR: 1.34 [1.13, 1.64] AUROC: 0.6453 [0.6086, 0.6819] age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry
PPM018762 PGS003870
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: LDL cholesterol β: 9.4 (1.1) : 0.0358 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (-0.1166049*zscoreAFR) + (0.812596*zscoreAMR) + (-2.1986549*zscoreARB) + (3.9764576*zscoreEAS) + (6.7068379*zscoreEUR) + (3.433336*zscoreSAS).
PPM018763 PGS003871
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: LDL cholesterol β: 9.4 (1.1) : 0.0358 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (-0.1166049*zscoreAFR) + (0.812596*zscoreAMR) + (-2.1986549*zscoreARB) + (3.9764576*zscoreEAS) + (6.7068379*zscoreEUR) + (3.433336*zscoreSAS).
PPM018764 PGS003872
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: LDL cholesterol β: 9.4 (1.1) : 0.0358 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (-0.1166049*zscoreAFR) + (0.812596*zscoreAMR) + (-2.1986549*zscoreARB) + (3.9764576*zscoreEAS) + (6.7068379*zscoreEUR) + (3.433336*zscoreSAS).
PPM018765 PGS003873
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: LDL cholesterol β: 9.4 (1.1) : 0.0358 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (-0.1166049*zscoreAFR) + (0.812596*zscoreAMR) + (-2.1986549*zscoreARB) + (3.9764576*zscoreEAS) + (6.7068379*zscoreEUR) + (3.433336*zscoreSAS).
PPM018766 PGS003874
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: LDL cholesterol β: 9.4 (1.1) : 0.0358 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (-0.1166049*zscoreAFR) + (0.812596*zscoreAMR) + (-2.1986549*zscoreARB) + (3.9764576*zscoreEAS) + (6.7068379*zscoreEUR) + (3.433336*zscoreSAS).
PPM018767 PGS003875
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: HDL cholesterol β: 3.67 (0.27) : 0.1424 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.2431982*zscoreAFR) + (0.8586968*zscoreAMR) + (0.5830709*zscoreARB) + (0.7186383*zscoreEAS) + (1.084247*zscoreEUR) + (1.2259372*zscoreSAS).
PPM018768 PGS003876
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: HDL cholesterol β: 3.67 (0.27) : 0.1424 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.2431982*zscoreAFR) + (0.8586968*zscoreAMR) + (0.5830709*zscoreARB) + (0.7186383*zscoreEAS) + (1.084247*zscoreEUR) + (1.2259372*zscoreSAS).
PPM018769 PGS003877
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: HDL cholesterol β: 3.67 (0.27) : 0.1424 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.2431982*zscoreAFR) + (0.8586968*zscoreAMR) + (0.5830709*zscoreARB) + (0.7186383*zscoreEAS) + (1.084247*zscoreEUR) + (1.2259372*zscoreSAS).
PPM018771 PGS003879
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: HDL cholesterol β: 3.67 (0.27) : 0.1424 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.2431982*zscoreAFR) + (0.8586968*zscoreAMR) + (0.5830709*zscoreARB) + (0.7186383*zscoreEAS) + (1.084247*zscoreEUR) + (1.2259372*zscoreSAS).
PPM018772 PGS003880
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: HDL cholesterol β: 3.67 (0.27) : 0.1424 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.2431982*zscoreAFR) + (0.8586968*zscoreAMR) + (0.5830709*zscoreARB) + (0.7186383*zscoreEAS) + (1.084247*zscoreEUR) + (1.2259372*zscoreSAS).
PPM018773 PGS003881
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Triglycerides β: 29.32 (2.31) : 0.0857 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry
PPM018774 PGS003882
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 3.1 (0.44) : 0.1108 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry
PPM018775 PGS003883
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Diastolic blood pressure β: 1.8 (0.26) : 0.0397 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry
PPM018776 PGS003884
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Body mass index β: 1.18 (0.11) : 0.0919 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 4 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.4178463*zscoreAMR) + (0.2238593*zscoreARB) + (0.4195118*zscoreEAS) + (0.6683519*zscoreEUR).
PPM018777 PGS003885
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Body mass index β: 1.18 (0.11) : 0.0919 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 4 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.4178463*zscoreAMR) + (0.2238593*zscoreARB) + (0.4195118*zscoreEAS) + (0.6683519*zscoreEUR).
PPM018778 PGS003886
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Body mass index β: 1.18 (0.11) : 0.0919 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 4 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.4178463*zscoreAMR) + (0.2238593*zscoreARB) + (0.4195118*zscoreEAS) + (0.6683519*zscoreEUR).
PPM018779 PGS003887
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Body mass index β: 1.18 (0.11) : 0.0919 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 4 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.4178463*zscoreAMR) + (0.2238593*zscoreARB) + (0.4195118*zscoreEAS) + (0.6683519*zscoreEUR).
PPM018780 PGS003888
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Height β: 0.026 (0.0013) : 0.5202 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 4 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.0043399119*zscoreAMR) + (0.0003544699*zscoreARB) + (0.0034973575*zscoreEAS) + (0.0218689041*zscoreEUR).
PPM018781 PGS003889
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Height β: 0.026 (0.0013) : 0.5202 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 4 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.0043399119*zscoreAMR) + (0.0003544699*zscoreARB) + (0.0034973575*zscoreEAS) + (0.0218689041*zscoreEUR).
PPM018782 PGS003890
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Height β: 0.026 (0.0013) : 0.5202 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 4 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.0043399119*zscoreAMR) + (0.0003544699*zscoreARB) + (0.0034973575*zscoreEAS) + (0.0218689041*zscoreEUR).
PPM018783 PGS003891
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Height β: 0.026 (0.0013) : 0.5202 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 4 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.0043399119*zscoreAMR) + (0.0003544699*zscoreARB) + (0.0034973575*zscoreEAS) + (0.0218689041*zscoreEUR).
PPM018761 PGS003869
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: LDL cholesterol β: 9.4 (1.1) : 0.0358 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (-0.1166049*zscoreAFR) + (0.812596*zscoreAMR) + (-2.1986549*zscoreARB) + (3.9764576*zscoreEAS) + (6.7068379*zscoreEUR) + (3.433336*zscoreSAS).
PPM018770 PGS003878
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: HDL cholesterol β: 3.67 (0.27) : 0.1424 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry The reported performance was derived from a linearly combined score of 6 normalized ancestry-specific scores using the following coefficients: Score = (0.2431982*zscoreAFR) + (0.8586968*zscoreAMR) + (0.5830709*zscoreARB) + (0.7186383*zscoreEAS) + (1.084247*zscoreEUR) + (1.2259372*zscoreSAS).

Evaluated Samples

PGS Sample Set ID
Phenotype Definitions and Methods Participant Follow-up Time Sample Numbers Age of Study Participants Sample Ancestry Additional Ancestry Description Cohort(s) Additional Sample/Cohort Information
PSS011097 2,669 individuals Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian)
NR N total after excluding missing values = 2,553