Trait: systolic blood pressure

Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) Information
Identifier EFO_0006335
Description The blood pressure during the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart.
Trait category
Cardiovascular measurement
Synonyms 2 synonyms
  • systolic pressure
Mapped terms 3 mapped terms
  • MedDRA:10042955
  • NCIt:C25298
  • SNOMEDCT:271649006

Associated Polygenic Score(s)

Filter PGS by Participant Ancestry
Individuals included in:
G - Source of Variant Associations (GWAS)
D - Score Development/Training
E - PGS Evaluation
List of ancestries includes:
Display options:
Ancestry legend
Multi-ancestry (including European)
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)
East Asian
South Asian
Additional Asian Ancestries
Greater Middle Eastern
Hispanic or Latin American
Additional Diverse Ancestries
Not Reported
Polygenic Score ID & Name PGS Publication ID (PGP) Reported Trait Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) Number of Variants Ancestry distribution
Scoring File (FTP Link)
PGP000092 |
Xie T et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2020)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 970
PGP000233 |
Kauko A et al. Hypertension (2021)
Systolic blood pressure (female) systolic blood pressure,
PGP000233 |
Kauko A et al. Hypertension (2021)
Systolic blood pressure (male) systolic blood pressure,
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,098,015
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Systolic BP (AR) systolic blood pressure 15,481
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure, automated reading systolic blood pressure 68,449
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure, automated reading systolic blood pressure 937,030
PGP000270 |
Breeyear JH et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,119,444
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 884
PGP000303 |
Groenland EH et al. Atherosclerosis (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 425
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,109,311
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 920,928
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 11,737
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 32,439
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 139,179
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 3,510
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 2,060
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 548,088
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 985,820
PGP000343 |
Marques-Vidal P et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 362
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,084,157
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 775,138
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 24,765
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 41,867
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 7,477,086
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,113,831
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 730,914
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 16,283
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 25,673
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 7,477,072
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,113,831
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 354,112
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 11,085
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 22,519
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 6,341,932
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,113,774
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 353,555
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 13,447
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 27,471
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 6,762,103
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,113,774
PGP000457 |
Ding Y et al. bioRxiv (2022)
Systolic blood pressure, automated reading systolic blood pressure 979,739
PGP000462 |
Honigberg MC et al. Nat Med (2023)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,064,898
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,056,790
PGP000510 |
Kurniansyah N et al. Nat Commun (2023)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,221,464
PGP000510 |
Kurniansyah N et al. Nat Commun (2023)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 978,280
PGP000510 |
Kurniansyah N et al. Nat Commun (2023)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,108,368
PGP000510 |
Kurniansyah N et al. Nat Commun (2023)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,267,240
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,115,602
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,115,520
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 732
PGP000531 |
Kurniansyah N et al. Nat Commun (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 24,807
PGP000561 |
Jung H et al. Commun Biol (2024)
Systolic blood pressure, automated reading systolic blood pressure 1,059,939
PGP000574 |
Nurkkala J et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,097,355
PGP000581 |
Keaton JM et al. Nat Genet (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 7,356,519
PGP000604 |
Truong B et al. Cell Genom (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,194,211
PGP000604 |
Truong B et al. Cell Genom (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 4,805,129
PGP000604 |
Truong B et al. Cell Genom (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 3,827,774
PGP000604 |
Truong B et al. Cell Genom (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 6,013,177
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,286,612
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,286,612
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,286,612
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,286,612
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,286,612
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,286,612
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,273,897
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,273,897
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,273,897
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,273,897
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,273,897
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,273,897
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 1,277,825
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure 944,279

Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The performance metrics are displayed as reported by the source studies. It is important to note that metrics are not necessarily comparable with each other. For example, metrics depend on the sample characteristics (described by the PGS Catalog Sample Set [PSS] ID), phenotyping, and statistical modelling. Please refer to the source publication for additional guidance on performance.

PGS Performance
Metric ID (PPM)
Evaluated Score PGS Sample Set ID
Performance Source Trait PGS Effect Sizes
(per SD change)
Classification Metrics Other Metrics Covariates Included in the Model PGS Performance:
Other Relevant Information
PPM000801 PGS000301
European Ancestry|
288 individuals
PGP000092 |
Xie T et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2020)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) : 0.012 Sex, age, age^2, BMI
PPM000771 PGS000301
European Ancestry|
1,354 individuals
PGP000092 |
Xie T et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2020)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) : 0.0215 Sex, age, age^2, BMI
PPM002648 PGS000900
European Ancestry|
123,579 individuals
PGP000233 |
Kauko A et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Hypertension HR: 1.42 [1.4, 1.44] Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 2.12 [1.99, 2.25] Age as timescale, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002650 PGS000900
European Ancestry|
123,579 individuals
PGP000233 |
Kauko A et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Early-onset hypertension (< 55 years) HR: 1.56 [1.53, 1.58] Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 2.51 [2.32, 2.72] Age as timescale, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002652 PGS000900
European Ancestry|
123,579 individuals
PGP000233 |
Kauko A et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Late-onset hypertension (> 55 years) HR: 1.31 [1.28, 1.33] Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 1.66 [1.5, 1.84] Age as timescale, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002649 PGS000901
European Ancestry|
95,213 individuals
PGP000233 |
Kauko A et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Hypertension HR: 1.27 [1.26, 1.29] Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 1.8 [1.69, 1.92] Age as timescale, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002651 PGS000901
European Ancestry|
95,213 individuals
PGP000233 |
Kauko A et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Early-onset hypertension (< 55 years) HR: 1.35 [1.32, 1.37] Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 2.1 [1.94, 2.28] Age as timescale, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002653 PGS000901
European Ancestry|
95,213 individuals
PGP000233 |
Kauko A et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Late-onset hypertension (> 55 years) HR: 1.21 [1.19, 1.23] Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 1.45 [1.3, 1.61] Age as timescale, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002970 PGS000913
European Ancestry|
218,754 individuals
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Early onset incident hypertension (< 55 years) HR: 1.54 [1.53, 1.56] Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 2.62 [2.48, 2.77] Sex, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002971 PGS000913
European Ancestry|
218,754 individuals
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Late onset incident hypertension (≥55 years) HR: 1.31 [1.29, 1.32] Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 1.68 [1.57, 1.81] Sex, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002977 PGS000913
European Ancestry|
218,792 individuals
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident cardiovascular disease Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 1.3 [1.22, 1.39] Sex, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002978 PGS000913
European Ancestry|
218,792 individuals
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident coronary heart disease HR: 1.15 [1.13, 1.17] Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 1.33 [1.23, 1.44] Sex, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002979 PGS000913
European Ancestry|
212,884 individuals
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident stroke Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 1.29 [1.16, 1.44] Sex, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002981 PGS000913
European Ancestry|
218,792 individuals
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident coronary heart disease C-index: 0.743 Clinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk score (age, sex, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, antihypertensive medication, diabetes, current smoking)
PPM002982 PGS000913
European Ancestry|
212,884 individuals
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident stroke C-index: 0.732 Clinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk score (age, sex, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, antihypertensive medication, diabetes, current smoking)
PPM002969 PGS000913
European Ancestry|
218,754 individuals
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident hypertension HR: 1.42 [1.41, 1.43] Hazard Ratio (HR, top 2.5% vs middle 60%): 2.19 [2.1, 2.29] Sex, collection year, genotyping batch, PCs(1-10)
PPM002975 PGS000913
European Ancestry|
9,906 individuals
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident hypertension C-index: 0.802 Age, sex, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, body mass index, diabetes, current smoking
PPM002980 PGS000913
European Ancestry|
218,792 individuals
PGP000240 |
Vaura F et al. Hypertension (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident cardiovascular disease C-index: 0.731 Clinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk score (age, sex, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, antihypertensive medication, diabetes, current smoking)
PPM008400 PGS001134
European Ancestry|
23,726 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic BP (AR) : 0.19444 [0.18561, 0.20326]
Incremental R2 (full-covars): 0.04167
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.04458 [0.03957, 0.04959]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs
PPM008399 PGS001134
East Asian Ancestry|
1,634 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic BP (AR) : 0.22915 [0.19418, 0.26412]
Incremental R2 (full-covars): 0.03474
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.04463 [0.0255, 0.06375]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs
PPM008401 PGS001134
South Asian Ancestry|
7,640 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic BP (AR) : 0.15314 [0.13847, 0.16782]
Incremental R2 (full-covars): 0.02459
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.0236 [0.01696, 0.03024]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs
PPM008398 PGS001134
African Ancestry|
6,409 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic BP (AR) : 0.1028 [0.08882, 0.11678]
Incremental R2 (full-covars): 0.00145
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.00628 [0.00245, 0.01011]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs
PPM008402 PGS001134
European Ancestry|
63,823 individuals
PGP000244 |
Tanigawa Y et al. PLoS Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic BP (AR) : 0.17232 [0.16713, 0.17751]
Incremental R2 (full-covars): 0.04845
PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.04834 [0.04519, 0.0515]
age, sex, UKB array type, Genotype PCs
PPM010946 PGS002009
European Ancestry|
18,717 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.2548 [0.2414, 0.2682] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM010947 PGS002009
European Ancestry|
3,930 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.2702 [0.2409, 0.299] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM010948 PGS002009
European Ancestry|
6,337 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.2197 [0.1961, 0.243] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM010949 PGS002009
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
1,151 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.2284 [0.1724, 0.2829] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM010950 PGS002009
South Asian Ancestry|
6,098 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.1877 [0.1633, 0.2118] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM010951 PGS002009
East Asian Ancestry|
1,719 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.2163 [0.1705, 0.2612] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM010953 PGS002009
African Ancestry|
3,850 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.1046 [0.0732, 0.1358] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM010952 PGS002009
African Ancestry|
2,438 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.104 [0.0644, 0.1433] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM020890 PGS002009
European Ancestry|
564 individuals
PGP000599 |
Guarischi-Sousa R et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Raised coronary lesion OR: 0.92 [0.77, 1.11]
PPM020895 PGS002009
African Ancestry|
504 individuals
PGP000599 |
Guarischi-Sousa R et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Raised coronary lesion OR: 1.06 [0.86, 1.31]
PPM012670 PGS002228
European Ancestry|
18,717 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.2585 [0.2451, 0.2718] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM012671 PGS002228
European Ancestry|
3,930 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.2775 [0.2483, 0.3061] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM012672 PGS002228
European Ancestry|
6,337 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.2265 [0.203, 0.2498] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM012673 PGS002228
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
1,151 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.2233 [0.1672, 0.278] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM012674 PGS002228
South Asian Ancestry|
6,098 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.1982 [0.1739, 0.2222] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM012675 PGS002228
East Asian Ancestry|
1,719 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.198 [0.1519, 0.2433] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM012676 PGS002228
African Ancestry|
2,438 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0959 [0.0563, 0.1353] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM012677 PGS002228
African Ancestry|
3,850 individuals
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading Partial Correlation (partial-r): 0.0994 [0.0679, 0.1306] sex, age, birth date, deprivation index, 16 PCs
PPM012729 PGS002238
African Ancestry|
10,052 individuals
PGP000270 |
Breeyear JH et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension OR: 1.05 [0.95, 1.17] AUROC: 0.666 [0.637, 0.683] age, age^2, bmi, sex, top 10 principal components of ancestry
PPM012730 PGS002238
European Ancestry|
57,090 individuals
PGP000270 |
Breeyear JH et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension OR: 1.11 [1.06, 1.17] AUROC: 0.68 [0.669, 0.689] age, age^2, bmi, sex, top 10 principal components of ancestry
PPM012731 PGS002238
Ancestry Not Reported|
4,407 individuals
PGP000270 |
Breeyear JH et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension OR: 1.1 [1.05, 1.15] AUROC: 0.682 [0.67, 0.687] age, age^2, bmi, sex, top 10 principal components of ancestry
PPM012835 PGS002257
European Ancestry|
14,004 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 2.06 [1.79, 2.32] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012836 PGS002257
European Ancestry|
14,004 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Diastolic blood pressure β: 1.64 [1.46, 1.81] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012837 PGS002257
European Ancestry|
14,004 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Pulse pressure β: 0.42 [0.25, 0.58] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012838 PGS002257
European Ancestry|
14,004 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.27 [1.23, 1.32] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012839 PGS002257
African Ancestry|
6,970 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 2.38 [1.85, 2.9] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012840 PGS002257
African Ancestry|
6,970 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Diastolic blood pressure β: 1.39 [1.09, 1.7] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012841 PGS002257
African Ancestry|
6,970 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Pulse pressure β: 0.99 [0.65, 1.32] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012842 PGS002257
African Ancestry|
6,970 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.26 [1.2, 1.33] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012843 PGS002257
South Asian Ancestry|
8,827 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 2.58 [2.13, 3.03] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012844 PGS002257
South Asian Ancestry|
8,827 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Diastolic blood pressure β: 1.49 [1.25, 1.74] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012845 PGS002257
South Asian Ancestry|
8,827 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Pulse pressure β: 1.09 [0.8, 1.39] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012846 PGS002257
South Asian Ancestry|
8,827 individuals
PGP000283 |
Evangelou E et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.3 [1.24, 1.36] *Note performance is based on the average between GRS901_SBP and GRS_901_DBP
PPM012863 PGS002257
European Ancestry|
55,439 individuals
PGP000284 |
Tapela NM et al. Eur J Prev Cardiol (2021)
Reported Trait: Uncontrolled hypertension Odds Ratio (OR, top vs. bottom quintile): 1.7 [1.6, 1.8] age, sex, socioeconomic characteristics (education, occupation, Townsend deprivation score, and country of residence), metabolic and lifestyle CVD risk factors (smoking status, body mass index, physical activity in METS, and weekly alcohol consumption), family history of CVD (diagnosis at any age), number of antihypertensives and the first four principal components of genetic ancestry, genotyping array and LDL-C value at baseline 881 SNPs remained after QC
PPM012864 PGS002257
European Ancestry|
55,439 individuals
PGP000284 |
Tapela NM et al. Eur J Prev Cardiol (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident major adverse cardiovascular events in hypertension treatment Hazard Ratio (HR, top vs. bottom quintile): 1.13 [1.04, 1.23] age, sex, socioeconomic characteristics (education, occupation, Townsend deprivation score, and country of residence), metabolic and lifestyle CVD risk factors (smoking status, body mass index, physical activity in METS, and weekly alcohol consumption), family history of CVD (diagnosis at any age), number of antihypertensives and the first four principal components of genetic ancestry, genotyping array and LDL-C value at baseline 881 SNPs remained after QC
PPM012865 PGS002257
European Ancestry|
55,439 individuals
PGP000284 |
Tapela NM et al. Eur J Prev Cardiol (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident myocardial infarction in hypertension treatment Hazard Ratio (HR, top vs. bottom quintile): 1.08 [0.97, 1.2] age, sex, socioeconomic characteristics (education, occupation, Townsend deprivation score, and country of residence), metabolic and lifestyle CVD risk factors (smoking status, body mass index, physical activity in METS, and weekly alcohol consumption), family history of CVD (diagnosis at any age), number of antihypertensives and the first four principal components of genetic ancestry, genotyping array and LDL-C value at baseline 881 SNPs remained after QC
PPM012866 PGS002257
European Ancestry|
55,439 individuals
PGP000284 |
Tapela NM et al. Eur J Prev Cardiol (2021)
Reported Trait: Incident stroke in hypertension treatment Hazard Ratio (HR, top vs. bottom quintile): 1.22 [1.06, 1.41] age, sex, socioeconomic characteristics (education, occupation, Townsend deprivation score, and country of residence), metabolic and lifestyle CVD risk factors (smoking status, body mass index, physical activity in METS, and weekly alcohol consumption), family history of CVD (diagnosis at any age), number of antihypertensives and the first four principal components of genetic ancestry, genotyping array and LDL-C value at baseline 881 SNPs remained after QC
PPM013002 PGS002257
Ancestry Not Reported|
6,335 individuals
PGP000317 |
Parcha V et al. Hypertension (2022)
Reported Trait: Diastolic blood pressure β: 0.65 PGS002258, age, age^2, sex, BMI, randomization arm, history of CVD event, serum creatinine, fasting blood glucose, LDL levels, 10 genetic PCs *NOTE*: PGS is calculated as an average of PGS002257 and PGS002258
PPM013003 PGS002257
Ancestry Not Reported|
6,335 individuals
PGP000317 |
Parcha V et al. Hypertension (2022)
Reported Trait: Adverse cardiovascular events HR: 1.12 [1.02, 1.23] PGS002258 *NOTE*: PGS is calculated as an average of PGS002257 and PGS002258
PPM013001 PGS002257
Ancestry Not Reported|
6,335 individuals
PGP000317 |
Parcha V et al. Hypertension (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 1.93 PGS002258, age, age^2, sex, BMI, randomization arm, history of CVD event, serum creatinine, fasting blood glucose, LDL levels, 10 genetic PCs *NOTE*: PGS is calculated as an average of PGS002257 and PGS002258
PPM015498 PGS002257
European Ancestry|
33,770 individuals
PGP000376 |
Åberg F et al. Sci Rep (2022)
Reported Trait: Liver-related outcome HR: 1.19 [1.01, 1.24] Age, sex, body mass index, waist circumference, weekly alcohol use, fraction of alcohol use as wine, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, diabetes, exercise habits, smoking status (current, former, never smoker) and baseline cardiovascular disease
PPM020416 PGS002257
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
23,030 individuals
PGP000550 |
Li C et al. J Glob Health (2023)
Reported Trait: Incident diabetic retinopathy Hazard ratio (HR, high vs low PRS tertile): 1.48 [1.21, 1.82] Age, sex, body mass index, ethnicity, Townsend index, smoking status, alcohol consumption, glycosylated haemoglobin, duration of diabetes, anti-hyperglycaemic medication, anti-hypertensive medication, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
PPM020417 PGS002257
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
23,030 individuals
PGP000550 |
Li C et al. J Glob Health (2023)
Reported Trait: Incident diabetic kidney disease Hazard ratio (HR, high vs low PRS tertile): 2.8 [1.57, 4.98] Age, sex, body mass index, ethnicity, Townsend index, smoking status, alcohol consumption, glycosylated haemoglobin, duration of diabetes, anti-hyperglycaemic medication, anti-hypertensive medication, estimated glomerular filtration rate
PPM020418 PGS002257
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
23,030 individuals
PGP000550 |
Li C et al. J Glob Health (2023)
Reported Trait: Incident diabetic neuropathy Hazard ratio (HR, high vs low PRS tertile): 1.04 [0.77, 1.42] Age, sex, body mass index, ethnicity, Townsend index, smoking status, alcohol consumption, glycosylated haemoglobin, duration of diabetes, anti-hyperglycaemic medication, anti-hypertensive medication, estimated glomerular filtration rate
PPM020415 PGS002257
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
23,030 individuals
PGP000550 |
Li C et al. J Glob Health (2023)
Reported Trait: Incident diabetic microvascular complications Hazard ratio (HR, high vs low PRS tertile): 1.32 [1.11, 1.56] Age, sex, body mass index, ethnicity, Townsend index, smoking status, alcohol consumption, glycosylated haemoglobin, duration of diabetes, anti-hyperglycaemic medication, anti-hypertensive medication, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and estimated glomerular filtration rate
PPM012945 PGS002275
European Ancestry|
4,416 individuals
PGP000303 |
Groenland EH et al. Atherosclerosis (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 3.19 [2.6, 3.78] Age, sex, the first 5 principal components, BMI, T2DM, smoking, alcohol use, LDL-cholesterol, eGFR, triglycerides, antihypertensive medication
PPM013114 PGS002349
African Ancestry|
6,128 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0236 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013163 PGS002349
East Asian Ancestry|
859 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.07 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013212 PGS002349
European Ancestry|
40,059 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.106 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013261 PGS002349
South Asian Ancestry|
7,573 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0691 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013288 PGS002376
African Ancestry|
6,128 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0005 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013311 PGS002376
East Asian Ancestry|
859 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0426 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013334 PGS002376
European Ancestry|
40,059 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0016 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013357 PGS002376
South Asian Ancestry|
7,573 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0019 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013402 PGS002421
African Ancestry|
6,128 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0009 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013451 PGS002421
East Asian Ancestry|
859 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0346 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013500 PGS002421
European Ancestry|
40,059 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0377 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013549 PGS002421
South Asian Ancestry|
7,573 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0187 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013598 PGS002470
African Ancestry|
6,128 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013647 PGS002470
East Asian Ancestry|
859 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0078 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013696 PGS002470
European Ancestry|
40,059 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0305 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013745 PGS002470
South Asian Ancestry|
7,573 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0106 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013794 PGS002519
African Ancestry|
6,128 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0002 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013843 PGS002519
East Asian Ancestry|
859 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0042 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013892 PGS002519
European Ancestry|
40,059 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0151 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013941 PGS002519
South Asian Ancestry|
7,573 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0037 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM013990 PGS002568
African Ancestry|
6,128 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0076 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014088 PGS002568
European Ancestry|
40,059 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0271 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014137 PGS002568
South Asian Ancestry|
7,573 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0132 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014039 PGS002568
East Asian Ancestry|
859 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.031 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014186 PGS002617
African Ancestry|
6,128 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0079 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014235 PGS002617
East Asian Ancestry|
859 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0269 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014284 PGS002617
European Ancestry|
40,059 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.022 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014333 PGS002617
South Asian Ancestry|
7,573 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.011 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014382 PGS002666
African Ancestry|
6,128 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model when combined with BOLT-LMM vs. covariates alone): 0.0256 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs See bp_SYSTOLICadjMEDz.mixweights file at for combination weights
PPM014431 PGS002666
East Asian Ancestry|
859 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model when combined with BOLT-LMM vs. covariates alone): 0.0819 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs See bp_SYSTOLICadjMEDz.mixweights file at for combination weights
PPM014480 PGS002666
European Ancestry|
40,059 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model when combined with BOLT-LMM vs. covariates alone): 0.1129 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs See bp_SYSTOLICadjMEDz.mixweights file at for combination weights
PPM014529 PGS002666
South Asian Ancestry|
7,573 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model when combined with BOLT-LMM vs. covariates alone): 0.0723 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs See bp_SYSTOLICadjMEDz.mixweights file at for combination weights
PPM014578 PGS002715
African Ancestry|
6,128 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0236 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014627 PGS002715
East Asian Ancestry|
859 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0629 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014676 PGS002715
European Ancestry|
40,059 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.103 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014725 PGS002715
South Asian Ancestry|
7,573 individuals
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure Incremental R2 (full model vs. covariates alone): 0.0668 age, sex, age*sex, assessment center, genotyping array, 10 PCs
PPM014825 PGS002734
Ancestry Not Reported|
2,944 individuals
PGP000343 |
Marques-Vidal P et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure levels untreated for hypertension Correlation: 0.062 [0.026, 0.098]
PPM014826 PGS002734
Ancestry Not Reported|
2,541 individuals
PGP000343 |
Marques-Vidal P et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure levels untreated for hypertension Correlation: 0.783 [0.488, 1.079]
PPM014827 PGS002734
Ancestry Not Reported|
1,920 individuals
PGP000343 |
Marques-Vidal P et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure levels untreated for hypertension Correlation: 0.05 [0.003, 0.096]
PPM014828 PGS002734
Ancestry Not Reported|
4,333 individuals
PGP000343 |
Marques-Vidal P et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure levels treated for hypertension Correlation: 0.054 [-0.006, 0.113]
PPM014829 PGS002734
Ancestry Not Reported|
2,944 individuals
PGP000343 |
Marques-Vidal P et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure levels treated for hypertension Correlation: 0.045 [-0.011, 0.102]
PPM014830 PGS002734
Ancestry Not Reported|
2,541 individuals
PGP000343 |
Marques-Vidal P et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure levels treated for hypertension Correlation: 0.05 [-0.012, 0.111]
PPM014831 PGS002734
Ancestry Not Reported|
1,920 individuals
PGP000343 |
Marques-Vidal P et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure levels treated for hypertension Correlation: 0.066 [-0.001, 0.133]
PPM014824 PGS002734
Ancestry Not Reported|
4,333 individuals
PGP000343 |
Marques-Vidal P et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure levels untreated for hypertension Correlation: 0.086 [0.058, 0.115]
PPM015554 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
6,335 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Incident CVD events HR: 1.1 [1.03, 1.17] C-index: 0.58
PPM015562 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
44,098 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.28 [1.25, 1.3] : 0.10982
PPM015539 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
21,883 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Diastolic blood pressure β: 2.04 [1.89, 2.19] : 0.12136
PPM015549 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
6,335 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Diastolic blood pressure β: 1.07 [0.78, 1.36] : 0.05373
PPM015550 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
6,335 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Mean arterial pressure β: 1.71 [1.39, 2.04] : 0.02742
PPM015540 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
21,883 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Mean arterial pressure β: 2.82 [2.65, 3.0] : 0.15868
PPM015541 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
21,883 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Pulse pressure β: 2.35 [2.17, 2.53] : 0.31658
PPM015542 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
21,883 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.51 [1.46, 1.55] : 0.21395
PPM015543 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
21,883 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Incident ASCVD events HR: 1.05 [1.02, 1.08] C-index: 0.77
PPM015544 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
21,883 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Incident CVD events HR: 1.06 [1.03, 1.09] C-index: 0.76
PPM015545 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
21,883 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Incident CHF events HR: 1.04 [1.0, 1.09] C-index: 0.83
PPM015547 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
21,883 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Incident stroke events HR: 1.04 [1.0, 1.09] C-index: 0.76
PPM015548 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
6,335 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 2.33 [1.9, 2.75] : 0.03615
PPM015551 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
6,335 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Pulse pressure β: 1.94 [1.58, 2.3] : 0.1185
PPM015552 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
6,335 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.51 [1.39, 1.64] : 0.04804
PPM015553 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
6,335 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Incident ASCVD events HR: 1.13 [1.06, 1.19] C-index: 0.59
PPM015555 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
6,335 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Incident CHF events HR: 1.18 [1.06, 1.3] C-index: 0.65
PPM015556 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
6,335 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Incident CHD events HR: 1.1 [1.03, 1.17] C-index: 0.58
PPM015557 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
6,335 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Incident stroke events HR: 1.15 [0.96, 1.34] C-index: 0.69
PPM015558 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
44,098 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 2.96 [2.79, 3.12] : 0.16035
PPM015559 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
44,098 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Diastolic blood pressure β: 1.43 [1.32, 1.54] : 0.05359
PPM015560 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
44,098 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Mean arterial pressure β: 1.94 [1.82, 2.06] : 0.08936
PPM015561 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
44,098 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Pulse pressure β: 1.53 [1.41, 1.64] : 0.21397
PPM015538 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
21,883 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 4.39 [4.13, 4.65] : 0.23786
PPM015546 PGS002807
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
21,883 individuals
PGP000384 |
Parcha V et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2022)
Reported Trait: Incident CHD events HR: 1.07 [1.04, 1.11] C-index: 0.77
PPM015933 PGS003069
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 2.26 (0.0794) : 0.0285 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015936 PGS003070
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 2.15 (0.0809) : 0.0246 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015934 PGS003071
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 1.8 (0.0806) : 0.0179 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015932 PGS003072
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 2.03 (0.0795) : 0.0236 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015935 PGS003073
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 2.34 (0.0798) : 0.0297 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015938 PGS003074
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 2.22 (0.0793) : 0.0277 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015941 PGS003075
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 2.12 (0.0814) : 0.0234 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015939 PGS003076
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 1.79 (0.0805) : 0.0183 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015937 PGS003077
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 1.99 (0.0799) : 0.0224 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015940 PGS003078
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 2.33 (0.08) : 0.0295 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015943 PGS003079
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 0.622 (0.0788) : 0.00238 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015946 PGS003080
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 0.609 (0.0788) : 0.0024 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015944 PGS003081
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 0.507 (0.0806) : 0.00175 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015942 PGS003082
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 0.383 (0.0789) : 0.00106 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015945 PGS003083
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 0.848 (0.0794) : 0.00432 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015948 PGS003084
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 0.642 (0.0788) : 0.00251 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015951 PGS003085
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 0.557 (0.0788) : 0.00188 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015949 PGS003086
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 0.464 (0.0799) : 0.00148 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015947 PGS003087
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 0.33 (0.0788) : 0.00076 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM015950 PGS003088
European Ancestry|
23,072 individuals
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 0.794 (0.0792) : 0.00358 SEX,AGE,Batch,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4
PPM017499 PGS003571
European Ancestry|
18,679 individuals
PGP000457 |
Ding Y et al. bioRxiv (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading partial-R2: 0.07 sex, age, deprivation index, PC1-16
PPM017583 PGS003571
European Ancestry|
3,920 individuals
PGP000457 |
Ding Y et al. bioRxiv (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading partial-R2: 0.07 sex, age, deprivation index, PC1-16
PPM017667 PGS003571
European Ancestry|
6,181 individuals
PGP000457 |
Ding Y et al. bioRxiv (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading partial-R2: 0.05 sex, age, deprivation index, PC1-16
PPM017751 PGS003571
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
1,122 individuals
PGP000457 |
Ding Y et al. bioRxiv (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading partial-R2: 0.05 sex, age, deprivation index, PC1-16
PPM017919 PGS003571
South Asian Ancestry|
6,050 individuals
PGP000457 |
Ding Y et al. bioRxiv (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading partial-R2: 0.04 sex, age, deprivation index, PC1-16
PPM018003 PGS003571
East Asian Ancestry|
1,709 individuals
PGP000457 |
Ding Y et al. bioRxiv (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading partial-R2: 0.05 sex, age, deprivation index, PC1-16
PPM018087 PGS003571
African Ancestry|
2,424 individuals
PGP000457 |
Ding Y et al. bioRxiv (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading partial-R2: 0.01 sex, age, deprivation index, PC1-16
PPM018171 PGS003571
African Ancestry|
3,819 individuals
PGP000457 |
Ding Y et al. bioRxiv (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading partial-R2: 0.01 sex, age, deprivation index, PC1-16
PPM017835 PGS003571
European Ancestry|
2,194 individuals
PGP000457 |
Ding Y et al. bioRxiv (2022)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading partial-R2: 0.05 sex, age, deprivation index, PC1-16
PPM018282 PGS003588
European Ancestry|
25,582 individuals
PGP000462 |
Honigberg MC et al. Nat Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia OR: 1.24 [1.17, 1.3] maternal age at delivery, age2, and the first ten principal components of genetic ancestry
PPM018774 PGS003882
Greater Middle Eastern Ancestry|
2,669 individuals
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 3.1 (0.44) : 0.1108 age, sex, array version, and the first 10 principal components of ancestry
PPM019121 PGS003968
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
88,521 individuals
PGP000510 |
Kurniansyah N et al. Nat Commun (2023)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 3.62 [3.47, 3.77] age, sex at birth, BMI, self-reported race/ethnicity, and the first 10 PCs of genetic data best performing SBP PRSs as selected in the TOPMed dataset (PRS-CSx2)
PPM019124 PGS003970
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
84,990 individuals
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 1.95 (0.06) : 0.09
PPM019126 PGS003970
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
84,990 individuals
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.22 [1.2, 1.23] : 0.05
PPM019128 PGS003970
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
84,990 individuals
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Hypertension Odds ratio (OR, high vs low tertile): 1.61 [1.46, 1.77] age, and the first 10 principal components of genetic ancestry
PPM019130 PGS003970
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
33,632 individuals
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Hypertension Odds ratio (OR, high vs low tertile): 1.47 [1.27, 1.71] age, and the first 10 principal components of genetic ancestry
PPM019132 PGS003970
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
51,358 individuals
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Hypertension Odds ratio (OR, high vs low tertile): 1.61 [1.44, 1.8] age, and the first 10 principal components of genetic ancestry
PPM019125 PGS003971
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
127,679 individuals
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 2.47 (0.05) : 0.18
PPM019127 PGS003971
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
127,679 individuals
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.29 [1.27, 1.3] : 0.11
PPM019129 PGS003971
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
127,679 individuals
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Hypertension Odds ratio (OR, high vs low tertile): 1.81 [1.68, 1.95] age, and the first 10 principal components of genetic ancestry
PPM019131 PGS003971
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
60,049 individuals
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Hypertension Odds ratio (OR, high vs low tertile): 1.71 [1.48, 1.98] age, and the first 10 principal components of genetic ancestry
PPM019133 PGS003971
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
67,630 individuals
PGP000512 |
Shetty NS et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2023)
Reported Trait: Hypertension Odds ratio (OR, high vs low tertile): 1.65 [1.45, 1.84] age, and the first 10 principal components of genetic ancestry
PPM020229 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
1,750 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure Beta (beta, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 3.62 (1.39)
PPM020230 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
1,750 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Resistant blood pressure Odds ratio (OR, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 2.27 [1.3, 4.1]
PPM020232 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
408,475 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure in all stroke Beta (beta, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 5.97 (0.76) age, sex, and vascular risk factors
PPM020233 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
408,475 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Uncontrolled blood pressure in all stroke Odds ratio (OR, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 1.71 [1.45, 2.03] age, sex, and vascular risk factors
PPM020234 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
408,475 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Resistant blood pressure in all stroke Odds ratio (OR, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 2.25 [1.59, 3.25] age, sex, and vascular risk factors
PPM020238 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
408,475 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure in Ischemic stroke Beta (beta, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 4.89 (1.51) age, sex, and vascular risk factors
PPM020240 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
408,475 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Resistant blood pressure in Ischemic stroke Odds ratio (OR, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 2.65 [1.39, 5.35] age, sex, and vascular risk factors
PPM020244 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
408,475 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure in Hemorrhagic stroke Beta (beta, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 4.84 (1.91) age, sex, and vascular risk factors
PPM020245 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
408,475 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Uncontrolled blood pressure in Hemorrhagic stroke Odds ratio (OR, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 2.17 [1.41, 3.36] age, sex, and vascular risk factors
PPM020246 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
408,475 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Resistant blood pressure in Hemorrhagic stroke Odds ratio (OR, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 1.77 [0.69, 4.97] age, sex, and vascular risk factors
PPM020239 PGS004231
European Ancestry|
408,475 individuals
PGP000529 |
Acosta JN et al. Neurology (2023)
Reported Trait: Uncontrolled blood pressure in Ischemic stroke Odds ratio (OR, top PRS quintile vs bottom PRS quintile): 1.73 [1.23, 2.43] age, sex, and vascular risk factors
PPM020254 PGS004235
Multi-ancestry (including European)|
39,035 individuals
PGP000531 |
Kurniansyah N et al. Nat Commun (2022)
Reported Trait: Prevelant hypertension AUROC: 0.757 [0.744, 0.771] sex, age, age2, study site, race/ethnic background, smoking status, BMI, and 11 ancestral principal components
PPM020487 PGS004372
European Ancestry|
56,192 individuals
PGP000561 |
Jung H et al. Commun Biol (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure, automated reading PGS R2 (no covariates): 0.18257
PPM020741 PGS004594
European Ancestry|
138,317 individuals
PGP000574 |
Nurkkala J et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Reported Trait: Gestational hypertension HR: 1.38 [1.35, 1.41] Collection year, genotyping batch, and the first 10 genetic principal components
PPM020742 PGS004594
European Ancestry|
136,354 individuals
PGP000574 |
Nurkkala J et al. J Hypertens (2022)
Reported Trait: Preeclampsia HR: 1.26 [1.23, 1.29] Collection year, genotyping batch, and the first 10 genetic principal components
PPM020761 PGS004603
European Ancestry|
10,210 individuals
PGP000581 |
Keaton JM et al. Nat Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure : 0.1137
beta (high vs low tertile): 16.85
Age, Age2, Sex, BMI
PPM020764 PGS004603
African Ancestry|
21,843 individuals
PGP000581 |
Keaton JM et al. Nat Genet (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure beta (high vs low tertile): 10.59 Age, Age2, Sex, BMI
PPM021054 PGS004829
European Ancestry|
9,462 individuals
PGP000604 |
Truong B et al. Cell Genom (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure Incremental R2 (Full model versus model with only covariates): 0.037 [0.029, 0.044] age, sex, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7, PC8, PC9, PC10 Incremental R2 (Full model versus model with only covariates)
PPM021055 PGS004830
South Asian Ancestry|
7,188 individuals
PGP000604 |
Truong B et al. Cell Genom (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure Incremental R2 (Full model versus model with only covariates): 0.036 [0.027, 0.044] age, sex, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7, PC8, PC9, PC10 Incremental R2 (Full model versus model with only covariates)
PPM021056 PGS004831
European Ancestry|
9,462 individuals
PGP000604 |
Truong B et al. Cell Genom (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure Incremental R2 (Full model versus model with only covariates): 0.043 [0.035, 0.051] age, sex, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7, PC8, PC9, PC10 Incremental R2 (Full model versus model with only covariates)
PPM021057 PGS004832
South Asian Ancestry|
7,188 individuals
PGP000604 |
Truong B et al. Cell Genom (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure Incremental R2 (Full model versus model with only covariates): 0.044 [0.035, 0.054] age, sex, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7, PC8, PC9, PC10 Incremental R2 (Full model versus model with only covariates)
PPM022151 PGS005008
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.083 [0.07, 0.09] : 0.008 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022157 PGS005008
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.114 [0.1, 0.13] : 0.015 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022163 PGS005008
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.102 [0.09, 0.12] : 0.013 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022153 PGS005009
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.167 [0.16, 0.18] : 0.032 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022159 PGS005009
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.084 [0.07, 0.1] : 0.008 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022165 PGS005009
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.143 [0.13, 0.16] : 0.026 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022152 PGS005010
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.097 [0.09, 0.11] : 0.011 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022158 PGS005010
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.072 [0.06, 0.08] : 0.006 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022164 PGS005010
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.122 [0.11, 0.14] : 0.019 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022148 PGS005011
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.16 [0.15, 0.17] : 0.03 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022154 PGS005011
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.131 [0.12, 0.14] : 0.02 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022160 PGS005011
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.16 [0.14, 0.17] : 0.032 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022149 PGS005012
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.184 [0.18, 0.19] : 0.039 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022161 PGS005012
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.185 [0.17, 0.2] : 0.043 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022155 PGS005012
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.145 [0.13, 0.16] : 0.024 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022150 PGS005013
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.194 [0.19, 0.2] : 0.044 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022156 PGS005013
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.138 [0.12, 0.15] : 0.022 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022162 PGS005013
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.177 [0.16, 0.19] : 0.039 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022059 PGS005014
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.082 [0.07, 0.09] : 0.008 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022066 PGS005014
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.098 [0.09, 0.11] : 0.011 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022073 PGS005014
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.087 [0.07, 0.1] : 0.009 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022068 PGS005015
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.107 [0.09, 0.12] : 0.013 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022075 PGS005015
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.176 [0.16, 0.19] : 0.039 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022061 PGS005015
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.191 [0.18, 0.2] : 0.042 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022060 PGS005016
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.095 [0.09, 0.1] : 0.01 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022067 PGS005016
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.066 [0.05, 0.08] : 0.005 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022074 PGS005016
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.111 [0.1, 0.13] : 0.015 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022056 PGS005017
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.128 [0.12, 0.14] : 0.019 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022063 PGS005017
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.104 [0.09, 0.12] : 0.012 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022070 PGS005017
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.128 [0.11, 0.14] : 0.02 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022057 PGS005018
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.178 [0.17, 0.19] : 0.037 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022071 PGS005018
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.177 [0.16, 0.19] : 0.039 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022064 PGS005018
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.141 [0.13, 0.15] : 0.023 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022058 PGS005019
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.189 [0.18, 0.2] : 0.042 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022065 PGS005019
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.137 [0.12, 0.15] : 0.021 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022072 PGS005019
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.18 [0.17, 0.2] : 0.041 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022062 PGS005020
African Ancestry|
19,359 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.146 [0.13, 0.16] : 0.024 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022069 PGS005020
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
13,129 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.189 [0.17, 0.2] : 0.045 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022055 PGS005020
European Ancestry|
45,505 individuals
PGP000679 |
Gunn S et al. HGG Adv (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic blood pressure β: 0.19 [0.18, 0.2] : 0.042 score previously adjusted for age, sex, 20 PCs
PPM022323 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,374 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 2.8 [2.1, 3.5] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022324 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,904 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 2.6 [2.2, 3.0] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022325 PGS005120
European Ancestry|
73,790 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Systolic Blood Pressure β: 5.2 [5.1, 5.3] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022326 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,374 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Diastolic Blood Pressure β: 1.2 [0.7, 1.7] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022327 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,904 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Diastolic Blood Pressure β: 1.8 [1.4, 2.1] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022328 PGS005120
European Ancestry|
73,790 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Diastolic Blood Pressure β: 2.1 [2.0, 2.2] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022329 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,374 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.28 [1.2, 1.4] AUROC: 0.79 [0.75, 0.84] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022330 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,904 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.47 [1.3, 1.6] AUROC: 0.77 [0.74, 0.81] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022331 PGS005120
European Ancestry|
73,790 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Hypertension OR: 1.56 [1.54, 1.56] AUROC: 0.73 [0.72, 0.74] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022332 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,374 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Elevated hypertension OR: 1.2 [0.5, 2.66] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022333 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,904 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Elevated hypertension OR: 1.87 [1.2, 2.8] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022335 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,374 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Stage 1 hypertension OR: 1.4 [0.77, 2.7] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022336 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,904 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Stage 1 hypertension OR: 2.14 [1.53, 3.1] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022337 PGS005120
European Ancestry|
73,790 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Stage 1 hypertension OR: 2.52 [2.2, 2.8] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022338 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,374 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Stage 2 hypertension OR: 2.5 [1.4, 5.0] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022339 PGS005120
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
2,904 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Stage 2 hypertension OR: 2.14 [1.53, 3.1] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022340 PGS005120
European Ancestry|
73,790 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Stage 2 hypertension OR: 4.9 [4.42, 5.56] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components
PPM022334 PGS005120
European Ancestry|
73,790 individuals
PGP000702 |
Teixeira SK et al. Sci Rep (2024)
Reported Trait: Elevated hypertension OR: 1.8 [1.6, 2.1] Age, sex, BMI, first four genetic principal components

Evaluated Samples

PGS Sample Set ID
Phenotype Definitions and Methods Participant Follow-up Time Sample Numbers Age of Study Participants Sample Ancestry Additional Ancestry Description Cohort(s) Additional Sample/Cohort Information
PSS008150 1,719 individuals East Asian China (East Asia) UKB
PSS010687 6,181 individuals,
45.0 % Male samples
Mean = 54.5 years
Sd = 8.4 years
European Italian UKB
  • 165 cases
  • , 339 controls
82.0 % Male samples
Mean = 27.5 years African unspecified PDAY
  • 181 cases
  • , 383 controls
77.0 % Male samples
Mean = 26.7 years European PDAY
PSS007266 6,409 individuals African unspecified UKB
PSS007267 1,634 individuals East Asian UKB
PSS007268 23,726 individuals European non-white British ancestry UKB
PSS007269 7,640 individuals South Asian UKB
PSS007270 63,823 individuals European white British ancestry UKB Testing cohort (heldout set)
PSS010011 Systolic Blood Pressure; Quantitative 23,072 individuals European MGI
PSS011913 Systolic blood pressure (adjusted for medication use: +15 mmHg) 2,374 individuals,
42.4 % Male samples
Hispanic or Latin American
Admixed population Baependi Genotyping using Affymetrix arrays
PSS011914 Systolic blood pressure (adjusted for medication use: +15 mmHg) 2,904 individuals,
49.3 % Male samples
Hispanic or Latin American
Admixed population 1982 PELOTAS Genotyping using Illumina arrays
PSS011915 Systolic blood pressure (adjusted for medication use: +15 mmHg) 73,790 individuals,
46.0 % Male samples
European Homogeneous European population UKB
PSS001169 Cases were individuals with hypertension. Of the 27,804 cases, 13,279 had early-onset hypertension (age of onset < 55 years) whilst 14,525 had late-onset hypertension (age of onset ≥ 55 years).
  • 27,804 cases
  • , 95,775 controls
0.0 % Male samples
PSS001170 Cases were individuals with hypertension. Of the 28,113 cases, 14,082 had early-onset hypertension (age of onset < 55 years) whilst 14,031 had late-onset hypertension (age of onset ≥ 55 years).
  • 28,113 cases
  • , 67,100 controls
100.0 % Male samples
PSS009903 4,333 individuals,
46.0 % Male samples
Mean = 52.0 years Not reported CoLaus CoLaus|PsyCoLaus
PSS009904 2,944 individuals,
44.0 % Male samples
Mean = 56.0 years Not reported CoLaus CoLaus|PsyCoLaus
PSS009905 2,541 individuals,
42.0 % Male samples
Mean = 61.0 years Not reported CoLaus CoLaus|PsyCoLaus
PSS009906 1,920 individuals,
41.0 % Male samples
Mean = 63.0 years Not reported CoLaus CoLaus|PsyCoLaus
PSS009268 3,930 individuals European Poland (NE Europe) UKB
PSS010771 3,819 individuals,
46.0 % Male samples
Mean = 51.9 years
Sd = 8.1 years
African unspecified Nigerian UKB
PSS010267 2,194 individuals,
45.0 % Male samples
Mean = 58.0 years
Sd = 7.1 years
European Ashkenazi UKB
PSS009627 4,416 individuals,
75.0 % Male samples
PSS011465 9,462 individuals European AllofUs
PSS011097 2,669 individuals Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian)
NR N total after excluding missing values = 2,553
PSS008822 6,337 individuals European Italy (South Europe) UKB
PSS009643 Corrected for baseline antihypertensive use 6,335 individuals,
62.7 % Male samples
Median = 62.1 years
Sd = [57.8, 67.1] years
Not reported 30.4% non-White individuals ACCORD
PSS011505 7,188 individuals South Asian G&H
PSS010855 3,920 individuals,
38.0 % Male samples
Mean = 54.3 years
Sd = 7.5 years
European Polish UKB
PSS010351 2,424 individuals,
36.0 % Male samples
Mean = 52.5 years
Sd = 8.1 years
African American or Afro-Caribbean Caribbean UKB
PSS011309 408,475 individuals,
59.0 % Male samples
Mean = 61.0 years
Sd = 7.0 years
European UKB
PSS011310 1,750 individuals,
65.0 % Male samples
Mean = 68.0 years
Sd = 11.0 years
European VISP
PSS011312 22,701 individuals,
27.8 % Male samples
PSS011312 8,822 individuals,
31.9 % Male samples
African American or Afro-Caribbean 6 cohorts
  • ARIC
  • ,CHS
  • ,GENOA
  • ,JHS
  • ,MESA
  • ,WHI
PSS011312 6,718 individuals,
38.0 % Male samples
Hispanic or Latin American 6 cohorts
  • CHS
  • ,FHS
  • ,HCHS
  • ,MESA
  • ,SOL
  • ,WHI
PSS011312 794 individuals,
37.9 % Male samples
Asian unspecified MESA, WHI
PSS008374 6,098 individuals South Asian India (South Asia) UKB
PSS009963 Median = 12.9 years 33,770 individuals,
46.5 % Male samples
Mean = 49.6 years European
Finland FINRISK, Health2000
PSS010939 18,679 individuals,
46.0 % Male samples
Mean = 56.9 years
Sd = 7.9 years
European white British UKB
PSS010435 1,709 individuals,
33.0 % Male samples
Mean = 52.5 years
Sd = 7.8 years
East Asian Chinese UKB
PSS007938 2,438 individuals African American or Afro-Caribbean Carribean UKB
PSS011352 19,883 individuals European UKB Median age of full combined ancestry cohort = 61 years; mean follow-up time of full combined ancestry cohort = 11.95 years
PSS011352 3,147 individuals Not reported UKB Median age of full combined ancestry cohort = 61 years; mean follow-up time of full combined ancestry cohort = 11.95 years
  • 1,569 cases
  • , 24,013 controls
European HUNT
PSS009980 14,069 individuals European
6 cohorts
  • ARIC
  • ,CHS
  • ,FHS
  • ,JHS
  • ,MESA
PSS009494 18,717 individuals European UK (+ Ireland) UKB
PSS009980 6,186 individuals African American or Afro-Caribbean
6 cohorts
  • ARIC
  • ,CHS
  • ,FHS
  • ,JHS
  • ,MESA
PSS009980 606 individuals Asian unspecified 6 cohorts
  • ARIC
  • ,CHS
  • ,FHS
  • ,JHS
  • ,MESA
PSS009980 1,022 individuals Hispanic or Latin American
6 cohorts
  • ARIC
  • ,CHS
  • ,FHS
  • ,JHS
  • ,MESA
PSS009981 936 individuals African American or Afro-Caribbean
PSS009981 383 individuals Hispanic or Latin American
PSS009981 608 individuals Other NR
PSS009981 4,408 individuals European NR
PSS009982 1,453 individuals Asian unspecified NR
PSS009982 9,680 individuals African American or Afro-Caribbean
PSS009982 314 individuals Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian)
(Middle Eastern)
PSS009982 40 individuals Native American NR
PSS009982 31,706 individuals European NR
PSS009982 905 individuals Other admixed ancestry more than 1 population NR
PSS011189 19,441 individuals,
44.7 % Male samples
Mean = 47.36 years
Sd = 14.8 years
African unspecified AllofUs
PSS011189 2,891 individuals,
40.3 % Male samples
Mean = 42.96 years
Sd = 16.67 years
Asian unspecified AllofUs
PSS011189 48,155 individuals,
40.4 % Male samples
Mean = 53.65 years
Sd = 16.61 years
European AllofUs
PSS011189 18,034 individuals,
31.9 % Male samples
Mean = 44.27 years
Sd = 15.79 years
Hispanic or Latin American AllofUs
PSS011364 56,192 individuals European UKB
PSS011804 19,359 individuals African American or Afro-Caribbean AllofUs
PSS011191 127,679 individuals,
0.0 % Male samples
European, African unspecified, East Asian, South Asian, Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian), Hispanic or Latin American AllofUs
PSS011192 84,990 individuals,
100.0 % Male samples
European, African unspecified, East Asian, South Asian, Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian), Hispanic or Latin American AllofUs
PSS011193 67,630 individuals,
0.0 % Male samples
European, African unspecified, East Asian, South Asian, Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian), Hispanic or Latin American AllofUs
PSS011194 51,358 individuals,
100.0 % Male samples
European, African unspecified, East Asian, South Asian, Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian), Hispanic or Latin American AllofUs
PSS011195 60,049 individuals,
0.0 % Male samples
European, African unspecified, East Asian, South Asian, Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian), Hispanic or Latin American AllofUs
PSS011196 33,632 individuals,
100.0 % Male samples
European, African unspecified, East Asian, South Asian, Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian), Hispanic or Latin American AllofUs
PSS011814 13,129 individuals Hispanic or Latin American AllofUs
PSS010519 6,050 individuals,
54.0 % Male samples
Mean = 53.4 years
Sd = 8.4 years
South Asian Indian UKB
PSS001446 Cases were individuals with incident hypertension. Hypertension was defined as persistently high systemic arterial blood pressure based on multiple blood pressure readings (consistent systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg) or medical expenses reimbursement history. Diagnoses were based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 8 codes (I1[0-3]/I15/I674) , ICD-9 codes (I1[0-3]/I15/I674), and ICD-10 codes (I1[0-3]/I15/I674). Of the 55,917 cases, 27,361 had early-onset incident hypertension, whilst 28,556 had late-onset incident hypertension. Early-onset and late-onset hypertension were defined as age of onset <55 and ≥55 years, respectively.
  • 55,917 cases
  • , 162,837 controls
PSS001447 Cases were individuals with incident coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD was defined as Major coronary heart disease event: coronary revascularization (angioplasty or bypass grafting) or myocardial infarction. Diagnoses were based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 8 codes (410/4110) , ICD-9 codes (410), and ICD-10 codes (I200/I21/I22).
  • 21,012 cases
  • , 197,780 controls
44.0 % Male samples
Mean = 58.0 years European
PSS001448 Cases were individuals with incident cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD was defined as ard cardiovascular diseases: coronary heart disease or stroke.
  • 29,350 cases
  • , 189,442 controls
44.0 % Male samples
Mean = 58.0 years European
PSS001449 Cases were individuals with incident stroke. Stroke was defined as stroke, excluding subarachnoid hemorrhage. Diagnoses were based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 8 codes (431/433/434/436) , ICD-9 codes (431/4330A/4331A/4339A/4340A/4341A/4349A/436), and ICD-10 codes (I61/I63/I64 (excluding I636)).
  • 11,734 cases
  • , 201,150 controls
PSS009510 Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension
  • 106 cases
  • , 4,301 controls
Not reported BioVU Multi-Ancestry analysis
PSS009511 Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension
  • 574 cases
  • , 4,452 controls
37.0 % Male samples
Mean = 50.6 years African American or Afro-Caribbean African American, Non-Hispanic Black BioVU
PSS009511 Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension
  • 574 cases
  • , 4,452 controls
37.0 % Male samples
Mean = 50.6 years African American or Afro-Caribbean African American, Non-Hispanic Black BioVU Multi-Ancestry analysis
PSS009512 Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension
  • 2,961 cases
  • , 25,584 controls
46.0 % Male samples
Mean = 58.58 years European European, Non-Hispanic White BioVU
PSS009512 Apparent Treatment-Resistant Hypertension
  • 2,961 cases
  • , 25,584 controls
46.0 % Male samples
Mean = 58.58 years European European, Non-Hispanic White BioVU Multi-Ancestry analysis
PSS001450 Cases were individuals with incident hypertension. Hypertension was defined as persistently high systemic arterial blood pressure based on multiple blood pressure readings (consistent systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg) or medical expenses reimbursement history. Diagnoses were based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 8 codes (I1[0-3]/I15/I674) , ICD-9 codes (I1[0-3]/I15/I674), and ICD-10 codes (I1[0-3]/I15/I674).
  • 725 cases
  • , 9,181 controls
PSS011824 45,505 individuals European AllofUs
PSS009042 3,850 individuals African unspecified Nigeria (West Africa) UKB
  • 8,488 cases
  • , 129,829 controls
0.0 % Male samples
  • 6,643 cases
  • , 129,711 controls
0.0 % Male samples
PSS011396 the earliest median eligible non-Emergency Department outpatient measured SBP in the electronic health record, and the corresponding DBP. For individuals with an even number of SBP measures in their record, the lower value was used to compute the median. For individuals with fewer than three measurements available, the lowest available SBP and corresponding DBP were used. Measures were considered ineligible if they occurred at or after an ICD-9/10 billing code from the groups 585/N18 (chronic kidney disease), 405/I15 (secondary hypertension), or 428/I50 (heart failure). For participants who had started an antihypertensive medication before the date of their median SBP measurement, 15 mm Hg was added to SBP and 10 mm Hg to DBP. Eligible SBP measures were restricted to a range of 30 to 300 mmHg. Eligible DBP measures were restricted to values over 30 mmHg. Eligible DBP measures were restricted to values over 30 mmHg. Sample size for SBP, DBP, and PP GWAS analysis included 21,843 individuals. Pulse pressure was defined as SBP minus DBP. Hypertension status was defined by phecodes 401* and/or antihypertensive medication use. 21,843 individuals,
42.69 % Male samples
Mean = 48.3 years
Sd = 14.75 years
African American or Afro-Caribbean
PSS011397 In Lifelines, BP was measured every minute during a period of ten minutes using an automated DINAMAP Monitor (GE Healthcare) and the average of the final three readings was recorded for SBP and DBP. Participants with a measured BP ≥140/90 mm Hg irrespective of treatment and those taking antihypertensive medication (ATC codes C02, C03, C07, C08, C09) irrespective of BP were defined as having hypertension. In continuous trait analyses, 15 mm Hg was added to SBP and 10 mm Hg was added to DBP for 1,236 individuals who were taking antihypertensive medication. PP was calculated using these medication-adjusted BP values. 10,210 individuals,
41.6 % Male samples
Mean = 44.66 years
Sd = 13.05 years
PSS000371 Individuals who have been referred to a child psychiatric outpatient clinic in the Northern Netherlands before the age of 11. We measured weight and height using regularly calibrated equipment (scales and stadiometer models 770 and 214, respectively; Seca, Hamburg, Germany). Body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) was also calculated. We measured waist circumference at the midpoint between the lower costal margin and the iliac crest. The hip circumference was measured over both trochanter majores (tangible bone on the outside of the hip joint). Waist to hip ratio was also calculated. We performed all measurements in duplicate, and, if the difference between these measurements exceeded a predefined value, a third measurement was performed. All available measurements were used to calculate means. Heart rate, systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure were measured in duplicate with a Dinamap Critikon 1846SX (Critikon Inc, Tampa, FL), from which we calculated means. At the third visit, fasting blood sample of participants were drawn for the measurement of glucose (Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland), insulin (Diagnostic Systems Laboratories Inc, Webster, TX), HbA1c (high performance liquid chromatography, Variant, Bio-Rad), triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol (Roche Diagnostics) and LDL cholesterol (calculated according to Friedewald’s equation5), as well as alanine transaminase (Photometric determination according to the reference method of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC)6) and lipoprotein(a) (Nephelometric method, BN2, DadeBehring). Serum creatinine was measured by photometric determination with the Jaffé method without deproteinisation (Ecoline® MEGA, DiaSys Diagnostic Systems GmbH. Merck). eGFR for adolescents who were younger than 18 years old was calculated using the Schwartz formula.7 High‐sensitivity C‐reactive protein (hsCRP) was determined using an immunonephelometric method, BN2 (CardioPhase hsCRP, Siemens) with a lower detection limit of 0.175 mg/L. Total IgE measurements were performed using the Phadia Immunocap 100 system with fluoroenzyme immunoassay (FEIA). 288 individuals,
69.2 % Male samples
Mean = 15.83 years
Sd = 0.6 years
European TRAILS, TRAILSCC TRAILS Clinical Cohort
PSS000376 We measured weight and height using regularly calibrated equipment (scales and stadiometer models 770 and 214, respectively; Seca, Hamburg, Germany). Body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) was also calculated. We measured waist circumference at the midpoint between the lower costal margin and the iliac crest. The hip circumference was measured over both trochanter majores (tangible bone on the outside of the hip joint). Waist to hip ratio was also calculated. We performed all measurements in duplicate, and, if the difference between these measurements exceeded a predefined value, a third measurement was performed. All available measurements were used to calculate means. Heart rate, systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure were measured in duplicate with a Dinamap Critikon 1846SX (Critikon Inc, Tampa, FL), from which we calculated means. At the third visit, fasting blood sample of participants were drawn for the measurement of glucose (Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland), insulin (Diagnostic Systems Laboratories Inc, Webster, TX), HbA1c (high performance liquid chromatography, Variant, Bio-Rad), triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol (Roche Diagnostics) and LDL cholesterol (calculated according to Friedewald’s equation5), as well as alanine transaminase (Photometric determination according to the reference method of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC)6) and lipoprotein(a) (Nephelometric method, BN2, DadeBehring). Serum creatinine was measured by photometric determination with the Jaffé method without deproteinisation (Ecoline® MEGA, DiaSys Diagnostic Systems GmbH. Merck). eGFR for adolescents who were younger than 18 years old was calculated using the Schwartz formula.7 High‐sensitivity C‐reactive protein (hsCRP) was determined using an immunonephelometric method, BN2 (CardioPhase hsCRP, Siemens) with a lower detection limit of 0.175 mg/L. Total IgE measurements were performed using the Phadia Immunocap 100 system with fluoroenzyme immunoassay (FEIA). 1,354 individuals,
47.56 % Male samples
Mean = 16.22 years
Sd = 0.66 years
European TRAILS
PSS010603 1,122 individuals,
60.0 % Male samples
Mean = 52.0 years
Sd = 8.0 years
Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian) Iranian UKB
PSS008596 1,151 individuals Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian) Iran (Middle East) UKB
PSS009839 6,128 individuals African unspecified UKB
PSS009840 859 individuals East Asian UKB
PSS009841 40,059 individuals European Non-British European UKB
PSS009842 7,573 individuals South Asian UKB
PSS009574 14,004 individuals European Airwave
PSS009575 6,970 individuals African unspecified UKB
PSS009576 8,827 individuals South Asian UKB
PSS009581 The treated hypertension sub-cohort was participants who were presently taking antihypertensive medications (indicated by selecting ‘blood pressure medication’ in response to the question ‘Do you regularly take any of the following medications?’ or reporting an antihypertensive medication in a verbal interview with a trained nurse). The antihypertensive medication classes considered were beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium-channel blocker, alpha blockers, and diuretics. Uncontrolled hypertension was defined as having a mean systolic BP >_140 mmHg or mean diastolic BP >_90 mmHg, among individuals in the treated hypertension sub-cohort. We used prospective follow-up data to assess the composite outcome of incident major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), which we defined as the first non-fatal stroke (ischaemic or haemorrhagic), non-fatal myocardial infarction, or fatal cardiovascular events, or disease-modifying cardiovascular procedures. We identified MACE components using International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9 and ICD-10) and the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Classification of Interventions and Procedures version 4 (OPCS-4) codes from Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) data, and death registries data. Median = 11.5 years
  • 5,596 cases
  • , 49,843 controls
51.0 % Male samples
Mean = 61.0 years European
(white British)
PSS009582 The treated hypertension sub-cohort was participants who were presently taking antihypertensive medications (indicated by selecting ‘blood pressure medication’ in response to the question ‘Do you regularly take any of the following medications?’ or reporting an antihypertensive medication in a verbal interview with a trained nurse). The antihypertensive medication classes considered were beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium-channel blocker, alpha blockers, and diuretics. Uncontrolled hypertension was defined as having a mean systolic BP >_140 mmHg or mean diastolic BP >_90 mmHg, among individuals in the treated hypertension sub-cohort. We used prospective follow-up data to assess the composite outcome of incident major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), which we defined as the first non-fatal stroke (ischaemic or haemorrhagic), non-fatal myocardial infarction, or fatal cardiovascular events, or disease-modifying cardiovascular procedures. We identified MACE components using International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9 and ICD-10) and the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Classification of Interventions and Procedures version 4 (OPCS-4) codes from Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) data, and death registries data. Median = 11.5 years
  • 3,586 cases
  • , 51,853 controls
51.0 % Male samples
Mean = 61.0 years European
(white British)
PSS009583 The treated hypertension sub-cohort was participants who were presently taking antihypertensive medications (indicated by selecting ‘blood pressure medication’ in response to the question ‘Do you regularly take any of the following medications?’ or reporting an antihypertensive medication in a verbal interview with a trained nurse). The antihypertensive medication classes considered were beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium-channel blocker, alpha blockers, and diuretics. Uncontrolled hypertension was defined as having a mean systolic BP >_140 mmHg or mean diastolic BP >_90 mmHg, among individuals in the treated hypertension sub-cohort. We used prospective follow-up data to assess the composite outcome of incident major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), which we defined as the first non-fatal stroke (ischaemic or haemorrhagic), non-fatal myocardial infarction, or fatal cardiovascular events, or disease-modifying cardiovascular procedures. We identified MACE components using International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9 and ICD-10) and the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Classification of Interventions and Procedures version 4 (OPCS-4) codes from Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) data, and death registries data. Median = 11.5 years
  • 2,010 cases
  • , 53,429 controls
51.0 % Male samples
Mean = 61.0 years European
(white British)
PSS009584 The treated hypertension sub-cohort was participants who were presently taking antihypertensive medications (indicated by selecting ‘blood pressure medication’ in response to the question ‘Do you regularly take any of the following medications?’ or reporting an antihypertensive medication in a verbal interview with a trained nurse). The antihypertensive medication classes considered were beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium-channel blocker, alpha blockers, and diuretics. Uncontrolled hypertension was defined as having a mean systolic BP >_140 mmHg or mean diastolic BP >_90 mmHg, among individuals in the treated hypertension sub-cohort. We used prospective follow-up data to assess the composite outcome of incident major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), which we defined as the first non-fatal stroke (ischaemic or haemorrhagic), non-fatal myocardial infarction, or fatal cardiovascular events, or disease-modifying cardiovascular procedures. We identified MACE components using International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9 and ICD-10) and the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Classification of Interventions and Procedures version 4 (OPCS-4) codes from Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) data, and death registries data. Median = 11.5 years
  • 36,114 cases
  • , 19,325 controls
51.0 % Male samples
Mean = 61.0 years European
(white British)