PGS Preprint: PGP000656

Publication Information (EuropePMC)
Title Integrated clinical risk prediction of type 2 diabetes with a multifactorial polygenic risk score
doi 10.1101/2024.08.22.24312440
Publication Date Aug. 22, 2024
Journal medRxiv Preprint
Author(s) Ritchie SC, Taylor HJ, Liang Y, Manikpurage HD, Pennells L, Foguet C, Abraham G, Gibson JT, Jiang X, Liu Y, Kim LG, Mahajan A, Mccarthy MI, Kaptoge S, Lambert SA, Wood A, Sim X, Collins FS, Denny JC, Danesh J, Butterworth AS, Di Angelantonio E, Inouye M.
Released in PGS Catalog: Aug. 29, 2024

Associated Polygenic Score(s)

Filter PGS by Participant Ancestry
Individuals included in:
G - Source of Variant Associations (GWAS)
D - Score Development/Training
E - PGS Evaluation
List of ancestries includes:
Display options:
Ancestry legend
Multi-ancestry (including European)
Multi-ancestry (excluding European)
East Asian
South Asian
Additional Asian Ancestries
Greater Middle Eastern
Hispanic or Latin American
Additional Diverse Ancestries
Not Reported

PGS Developed By This Publication

Polygenic Score ID & Name PGS Publication ID (PGP) Reported Trait Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) Number of Variants Ancestry distribution
Scoring File (FTP Link)
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 1,349,896

External PGS Evaluated By This Publication

Polygenic Score ID & Name PGS Publication ID (PGP) Reported Trait Mapped Trait(s) (Ontology) Number of Variants Ancestry distribution
Scoring File (FTP Link)
PGP000006 |
Khera AV et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 6,917,436 - Check Terms/Licenses
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 30,745
PGP000501 |
Shim I et al. Nature Communications (2023)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 1,068,166
PGP000393 |
Ma Y et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 945,820
PGP000023 |
Mahajan A et al. Nat Genet (2018)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 171,249
PGP000193 |
Polfus LM et al. HGG Adv (2021)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 582
- - Check Terms/Licenses
PGP000271 |
Mars N et al. Cell Genom (2022)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 6,431,973
PGP000128 |
Sinnott-Armstrong N et al. Nat Genet (2021)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 183,830
- - Check Terms/Licenses
PGP000100 |
Mars N et al. Nat Med (2020)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 6,437,380
PGP000252 |
Ye Y et al. Circ Genom Precis Med (2021)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 2,996,761
PGP000364 |
Mars N et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 1,091,608
PGP000137 |
Ritchie SC et al. Nat Metab (2021)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 2,017,388
PGP000365 |
Wong CK et al. PLoS One (2022)
Incident type 2 diabetes type 2 diabetes mellitus 419,209 - Check Terms/Licenses
PGP000211 |
Aly DM et al. Nat Genet (2021)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 389,243
PGP000214 |
Aksit MA et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2020)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 221
PGP000263 |
Privé F et al. Am J Hum Genet (2022)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 830,783
PGP000332 |
Weissbrod O et al. Nat Genet (2022)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 258,382
PGP000445 |
Huerta-Chagoya A et al. Diabetologia (2023)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 1,092,496
PGP000445 |
Huerta-Chagoya A et al. Diabetologia (2023)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 1,001,579
PGP000445 |
Huerta-Chagoya A et al. Diabetologia (2023)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 1,149,210
PGP000261 |
Tamlander M et al. Commun Biol (2022)
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) type 2 diabetes mellitus 1,091,673

Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The performance metrics are displayed as reported by the source studies. It is important to note that metrics are not necessarily comparable with each other. For example, metrics depend on the sample characteristics (described by the PGS Catalog Sample Set [PSS] ID), phenotyping, and statistical modelling. Please refer to the source publication for additional guidance on performance.

PGS Performance
Metric ID (PPM)
Evaluated Score PGS Sample Set ID
Performance Source Trait PGS Effect Sizes
(per SD change)
Classification Metrics Other Metrics Covariates Included in the Model PGS Performance:
Other Relevant Information
PPM021411 PGS002771
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.89 [1.85, 1.94] AUROC: 0.735 [0.73, 0.74] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021413 PGS003444
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.86 [1.82, 1.9] AUROC: 0.731 [0.726, 0.736] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021414 PGS003445
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.86 [1.82, 1.9] AUROC: 0.731 [0.726, 0.736] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021415 PGS003867
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.84 [1.8, 1.88] AUROC: 0.73 [0.725, 0.735] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021416 PGS000330
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.79 [1.75, 1.83] AUROC: 0.726 [0.721, 0.73] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021417 PGS003103
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.77 [1.74, 1.81] AUROC: 0.725 [0.72, 0.729] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021418 PGS002026
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.67 [1.63, 1.71] AUROC: 0.714 [0.709, 0.719] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021419 PGS000729
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.65 [1.61, 1.68] AUROC: 0.712 [0.707, 0.717] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021420 PGS000713
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.63 [1.6, 1.67] AUROC: 0.712 [0.707, 0.717] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021421 PGS001818
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.62 [1.58, 1.65] AUROC: 0.709 [0.704, 0.714] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021422 PGS000805
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.59 [1.56, 1.63] AUROC: 0.707 [0.702, 0.712] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021423 PGS001357
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.56 [1.53, 1.59] AUROC: 0.704 [0.699, 0.709] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021424 PGS002671
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.55 [1.52, 1.59] AUROC: 0.704 [0.699, 0.708] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021425 PGS002243
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.55 [1.52, 1.59] AUROC: 0.703 [0.698, 0.708] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021426 PGS001781
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.54 [1.51, 1.58] AUROC: 0.702 [0.698, 0.707] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021427 PGS000036
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.53 [1.5, 1.56] AUROC: 0.701 [0.696, 0.706] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021428 PGS000014
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.51 [1.48, 1.55] AUROC: 0.7 [0.695, 0.705] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021429 PGS000868
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.48 [1.45, 1.51] AUROC: 0.696 [0.691, 0.701] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021432 PGS004923
European Ancestry|
245,177 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 2.3 [2.26, 2.35] AUROC: 0.777 [0.772, 0.781] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021433 PGS001357
European Ancestry|
245,177 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.8 [1.77, 1.84] AUROC: 0.739 [0.734, 0.743] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021434 PGS002243
European Ancestry|
245,177 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.78 [1.75, 1.82] AUROC: 0.737 [0.733, 0.742] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021435 PGS001781
European Ancestry|
245,177 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.77 [1.74, 1.81] AUROC: 0.736 [0.732, 0.741] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021436 PGS000036
European Ancestry|
245,177 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.73 [1.69, 1.76] AUROC: 0.733 [0.728, 0.737] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021437 PGS000014
European Ancestry|
245,177 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.71 [1.67, 1.74] AUROC: 0.731 [0.726, 0.736] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021438 PGS004923
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 2.07 [1.92, 2.23] C-index: 0.774 [0.758, 0.79] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021439 PGS002771
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 2.03 [1.88, 2.18] C-index: 0.772 [0.756, 0.788] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021441 PGS003444
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.98 [1.84, 2.13] C-index: 0.77 [0.754, 0.786] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021442 PGS003445
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.98 [1.84, 2.13] C-index: 0.77 [0.754, 0.786] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021443 PGS003867
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.95 [1.81, 2.1] C-index: 0.766 [0.75, 0.782] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021444 PGS000330
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.94 [1.8, 2.09] C-index: 0.767 [0.75, 0.783] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021445 PGS003103
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.89 [1.76, 2.04] C-index: 0.759 [0.743, 0.775] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021446 PGS002026
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.81 [1.68, 1.95] C-index: 0.752 [0.735, 0.769] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021447 PGS001818
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.75 [1.63, 1.89] C-index: 0.75 [0.734, 0.767] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021448 PGS000729
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.75 [1.62, 1.88] C-index: 0.753 [0.737, 0.77] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021449 PGS000713
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.74 [1.62, 1.88] C-index: 0.748 [0.732, 0.765] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021450 PGS002671
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.67 [1.56, 1.8] C-index: 0.742 [0.724, 0.759] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021451 PGS001357
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.65 [1.53, 1.77] C-index: 0.742 [0.725, 0.76] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021452 PGS002780
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.65 [1.53, 1.77] C-index: 0.742 [0.725, 0.759] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021453 PGS002243
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.64 [1.53, 1.77] C-index: 0.741 [0.723, 0.758] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021454 PGS000036
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.63 [1.52, 1.75] C-index: 0.742 [0.725, 0.759] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021455 PGS001781
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.61 [1.5, 1.73] C-index: 0.741 [0.723, 0.758] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021456 PGS000868
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.6 [1.48, 1.72] C-index: 0.736 [0.719, 0.753] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021457 PGS000805
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.59 [1.48, 1.71] C-index: 0.736 [0.718, 0.753] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021458 PGS000014
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.58 [1.47, 1.7] C-index: 0.737 [0.719, 0.754] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021459 PGS000864
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.32 [1.27, 1.38] C-index: 0.731 [0.714, 0.749] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021460 PGS004923
European Ancestry|
232,808 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.8 [1.75, 1.85] C-index: 0.719 [0.713, 0.725] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021461 PGS001357
European Ancestry|
232,808 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.51 [1.47, 1.55] C-index: 0.69 [0.684, 0.696] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021462 PGS002243
European Ancestry|
232,808 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.49 [1.45, 1.52] C-index: 0.689 [0.683, 0.695] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021463 PGS001781
European Ancestry|
232,808 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.48 [1.45, 1.52] C-index: 0.688 [0.682, 0.695] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021464 PGS000036
European Ancestry|
232,808 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.46 [1.42, 1.5] C-index: 0.687 [0.68, 0.693] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021465 PGS000014
European Ancestry|
232,808 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.45 [1.42, 1.49] C-index: 0.686 [0.679, 0.692] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021466 PGS003867
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.37 [1.33, 1.41] AUROC: 0.727 [0.72, 0.733] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021467 PGS004923
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.35 [1.31, 1.39] AUROC: 0.725 [0.718, 0.731] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021468 PGS002771
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.33 [1.3, 1.37] AUROC: 0.724 [0.717, 0.73] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021469 PGS003443
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.32 [1.28, 1.36] AUROC: 0.723 [0.717, 0.729] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021470 PGS003444
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.32 [1.28, 1.36] AUROC: 0.723 [0.717, 0.729] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021471 PGS003445
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.32 [1.28, 1.36] AUROC: 0.723 [0.717, 0.729] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021473 PGS002026
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.28 [1.24, 1.32] AUROC: 0.721 [0.714, 0.727] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021474 PGS000330
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.27 [1.23, 1.31] AUROC: 0.72 [0.714, 0.727] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021475 PGS001818
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.27 [1.23, 1.3] AUROC: 0.72 [0.714, 0.727] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021476 PGS002243
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.23 [1.2, 1.27] AUROC: 0.718 [0.712, 0.725] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021477 PGS000805
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.23 [1.2, 1.27] AUROC: 0.718 [0.711, 0.724] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021478 PGS001357
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.23 [1.2, 1.27] AUROC: 0.718 [0.711, 0.724] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021479 PGS000713
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.23 [1.2, 1.27] AUROC: 0.718 [0.711, 0.724] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021480 PGS002671
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.22 [1.19, 1.26] AUROC: 0.718 [0.711, 0.724] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021481 PGS000729
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.23 [1.19, 1.26] AUROC: 0.718 [0.711, 0.724] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021482 PGS000036
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.21 [1.18, 1.25] AUROC: 0.717 [0.711, 0.724] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021483 PGS000868
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.21 [1.17, 1.24] AUROC: 0.717 [0.711, 0.724] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021484 PGS000014
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.21 [1.17, 1.24] AUROC: 0.717 [0.71, 0.723] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021485 PGS001781
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.2 [1.16, 1.23] AUROC: 0.716 [0.71, 0.723] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021486 PGS002780
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.18 [1.14, 1.21] AUROC: 0.715 [0.709, 0.722] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021489 PGS003444
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.77 [1.71, 1.84] AUROC: 0.78 [0.773, 0.786] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021490 PGS003445
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.77 [1.71, 1.84] AUROC: 0.78 [0.773, 0.786] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021491 PGS004923
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.73 [1.67, 1.79] AUROC: 0.777 [0.77, 0.783] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021492 PGS003867
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.72 [1.65, 1.78] AUROC: 0.776 [0.769, 0.783] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021493 PGS002771
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.7 [1.64, 1.76] AUROC: 0.775 [0.769, 0.782] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021494 PGS003103
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.61 [1.55, 1.67] AUROC: 0.77 [0.764, 0.777] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021495 PGS000330
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.58 [1.53, 1.64] AUROC: 0.768 [0.761, 0.775] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021496 PGS002026
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.49 [1.44, 1.55] AUROC: 0.764 [0.757, 0.771] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021497 PGS000805
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.49 [1.44, 1.55] AUROC: 0.764 [0.758, 0.771] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021498 PGS001818
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.46 [1.41, 1.51] AUROC: 0.762 [0.755, 0.769] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021499 PGS000713
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.46 [1.41, 1.51] AUROC: 0.762 [0.755, 0.769] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021500 PGS001357
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.45 [1.4, 1.51] AUROC: 0.761 [0.754, 0.768] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021501 PGS000729
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.45 [1.4, 1.51] AUROC: 0.761 [0.754, 0.768] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021502 PGS002671
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.44 [1.39, 1.49] AUROC: 0.761 [0.754, 0.768] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021503 PGS002243
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.43 [1.38, 1.48] AUROC: 0.76 [0.753, 0.767] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021504 PGS001781
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.43 [1.38, 1.48] AUROC: 0.76 [0.753, 0.767] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021505 PGS000036
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.41 [1.36, 1.46] AUROC: 0.759 [0.752, 0.766] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021506 PGS000014
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.39 [1.34, 1.44] AUROC: 0.757 [0.75, 0.764] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021507 PGS000868
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.38 [1.33, 1.43] AUROC: 0.758 [0.751, 0.765] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021508 PGS002780
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.35 [1.31, 1.4] AUROC: 0.756 [0.749, 0.763] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021509 PGS000864
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.02 [0.99, 1.06] AUROC: 0.745 [0.738, 0.752] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021510 PGS003443
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.51 [1.29, 1.77] AUROC: 0.648 [0.607, 0.688] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021511 PGS003444
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.51 [1.29, 1.77] AUROC: 0.648 [0.607, 0.688] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021512 PGS003445
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.51 [1.29, 1.77] AUROC: 0.648 [0.607, 0.688] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021513 PGS003867
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.42 [1.22, 1.66] AUROC: 0.635 [0.594, 0.676] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021514 PGS002771
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.4 [1.2, 1.64] AUROC: 0.634 [0.592, 0.676] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021515 PGS004923
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.37 [1.17, 1.6] AUROC: 0.627 [0.585, 0.669] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021517 PGS001818
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.3 [1.11, 1.51] AUROC: 0.622 [0.581, 0.664] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021518 PGS000805
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.3 [1.11, 1.52] AUROC: 0.613 [0.572, 0.654] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021519 PGS000330
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.29 [1.11, 1.51] AUROC: 0.619 [0.577, 0.661] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021520 PGS003103
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.28 [1.1, 1.5] AUROC: 0.619 [0.578, 0.661] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021521 PGS000036
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.25 [1.07, 1.46] AUROC: 0.608 [0.566, 0.651] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021522 PGS000729
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.25 [1.07, 1.46] AUROC: 0.615 [0.572, 0.657] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021523 PGS000868
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.24 [1.06, 1.44] AUROC: 0.604 [0.564, 0.645] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021524 PGS000713
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.19 [1.02, 1.39] AUROC: 0.598 [0.554, 0.641] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021525 PGS001357
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.15 [0.98, 1.34] AUROC: 0.593 [0.55, 0.636] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021526 PGS002780
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.14 [0.98, 1.33] AUROC: 0.598 [0.556, 0.641] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021527 PGS001781
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.12 [0.96, 1.3] AUROC: 0.593 [0.551, 0.636] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021528 PGS002243
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.08 [0.93, 1.26] AUROC: 0.592 [0.548, 0.635] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021529 PGS000864
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.04 [0.9, 1.21] AUROC: 0.584 [0.54, 0.628] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021530 PGS002671
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 0.98 [0.84, 1.14] AUROC: 0.585 [0.541, 0.629] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021531 PGS000014
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 0.99 [0.85, 1.16] AUROC: 0.585 [0.541, 0.629] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021532 PGS004923
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.69 [1.42, 2.02] AUROC: 0.698 [0.658, 0.737] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021533 PGS002771
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.57 [1.32, 1.87] AUROC: 0.682 [0.642, 0.723] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021534 PGS001818
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.54 [1.3, 1.83] AUROC: 0.677 [0.634, 0.72] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021535 PGS003867
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.52 [1.29, 1.81] AUROC: 0.681 [0.641, 0.722] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021536 PGS000868
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.52 [1.28, 1.8] AUROC: 0.677 [0.635, 0.72] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021538 PGS002026
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.43 [1.21, 1.7] AUROC: 0.666 [0.623, 0.708] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021539 PGS002780
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.43 [1.21, 1.69] AUROC: 0.666 [0.624, 0.708] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021541 PGS003444
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.43 [1.21, 1.7] AUROC: 0.667 [0.626, 0.708] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021542 PGS003445
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.43 [1.21, 1.7] AUROC: 0.667 [0.626, 0.708] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021543 PGS003103
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.38 [1.17, 1.64] AUROC: 0.667 [0.626, 0.709] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021544 PGS000330
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.32 [1.12, 1.57] AUROC: 0.66 [0.619, 0.701] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021545 PGS001357
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.27 [1.08, 1.5] AUROC: 0.655 [0.613, 0.696] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021546 PGS000729
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.25 [1.06, 1.48] AUROC: 0.653 [0.612, 0.694] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021547 PGS000036
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.23 [1.04, 1.45] AUROC: 0.651 [0.609, 0.693] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021548 PGS002243
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.12 [0.95, 1.32] AUROC: 0.643 [0.6, 0.685] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021549 PGS001781
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.12 [0.95, 1.32] AUROC: 0.645 [0.602, 0.687] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021550 PGS000713
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 0.91 [0.77, 1.08] AUROC: 0.643 [0.6, 0.686] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021551 PGS000864
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.09 [0.93, 1.28] AUROC: 0.643 [0.6, 0.686] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021552 PGS002671
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 0.96 [0.81, 1.13] AUROC: 0.641 [0.598, 0.684] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021553 PGS000014
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.03 [0.87, 1.21] AUROC: 0.639 [0.596, 0.683] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021554 PGS003443
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.71 [1.43, 2.06] AUROC: 0.706 [0.665, 0.746] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021555 PGS003444
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.71 [1.43, 2.06] AUROC: 0.706 [0.665, 0.746] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021556 PGS003445
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.71 [1.43, 2.06] AUROC: 0.706 [0.665, 0.746] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021557 PGS003103
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.68 [1.4, 2.01] AUROC: 0.705 [0.664, 0.745] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021559 PGS003867
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.64 [1.37, 1.98] AUROC: 0.701 [0.659, 0.742] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021560 PGS002771
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.62 [1.36, 1.95] AUROC: 0.696 [0.654, 0.738] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021561 PGS000805
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.58 [1.33, 1.88] AUROC: 0.701 [0.659, 0.743] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021562 PGS001357
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.5 [1.26, 1.79] AUROC: 0.682 [0.64, 0.725] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021564 PGS002026
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.44 [1.22, 1.72] AUROC: 0.685 [0.643, 0.727] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021565 PGS000729
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.37 [1.16, 1.63] AUROC: 0.668 [0.625, 0.712] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021566 PGS001781
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.37 [1.16, 1.63] AUROC: 0.672 [0.629, 0.715] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021567 PGS001818
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.36 [1.15, 1.62] AUROC: 0.675 [0.632, 0.718] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021568 PGS000868
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.34 [1.14, 1.6] AUROC: 0.674 [0.631, 0.717] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021569 PGS002243
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.32 [1.11, 1.57] AUROC: 0.669 [0.625, 0.712] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021570 PGS002780
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.27 [1.07, 1.5] AUROC: 0.668 [0.625, 0.711] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021571 PGS000014
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 0.82 [0.69, 0.97] AUROC: 0.662 [0.618, 0.706] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021572 PGS000036
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.2 [1.01, 1.42] AUROC: 0.657 [0.612, 0.701] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021573 PGS002671
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.05 [0.89, 1.24] AUROC: 0.655 [0.611, 0.698] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021574 PGS000713
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 0.95 [0.8, 1.12] AUROC: 0.652 [0.608, 0.696] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021575 PGS000864
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 0.98 [0.83, 1.16] AUROC: 0.653 [0.609, 0.697] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021576 PGS004923
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.41 [1.31, 1.53] AUROC: 0.723 [0.704, 0.742] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021577 PGS002771
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.41 [1.3, 1.53] AUROC: 0.724 [0.705, 0.743] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021579 PGS003444
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.4 [1.3, 1.52] AUROC: 0.723 [0.705, 0.742] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021580 PGS003445
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.4 [1.3, 1.52] AUROC: 0.723 [0.705, 0.742] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021581 PGS003103
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.4 [1.29, 1.51] AUROC: 0.721 [0.702, 0.74] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021582 PGS002026
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.35 [1.24, 1.46] AUROC: 0.719 [0.7, 0.737] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021583 PGS001357
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.32 [1.22, 1.43] AUROC: 0.717 [0.698, 0.736] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021584 PGS001818
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.32 [1.22, 1.43] AUROC: 0.716 [0.697, 0.735] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021585 PGS002243
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.31 [1.21, 1.42] AUROC: 0.716 [0.696, 0.735] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021586 PGS000330
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.31 [1.21, 1.42] AUROC: 0.716 [0.696, 0.735] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021587 PGS000713
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.31 [1.21, 1.42] AUROC: 0.714 [0.695, 0.734] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021588 PGS001781
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.29 [1.2, 1.4] AUROC: 0.714 [0.695, 0.733] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021589 PGS000014
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.27 [1.18, 1.38] AUROC: 0.714 [0.695, 0.733] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021590 PGS000805
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.27 [1.18, 1.38] AUROC: 0.714 [0.694, 0.733] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021591 PGS000036
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.25 [1.16, 1.35] AUROC: 0.71 [0.691, 0.729] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021592 PGS000729
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.25 [1.15, 1.35] AUROC: 0.711 [0.692, 0.73] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021593 PGS002671
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.23 [1.14, 1.33] AUROC: 0.711 [0.692, 0.73] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021594 PGS000868
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.19 [1.1, 1.29] AUROC: 0.708 [0.689, 0.728] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021595 PGS002780
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.17 [1.09, 1.27] AUROC: 0.708 [0.689, 0.727] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021596 PGS000864
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.08 [1.0, 1.17] AUROC: 0.705 [0.686, 0.724] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021597 PGS000713
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.9 [1.48, 2.45] AUROC: 0.754 [0.7, 0.808] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021598 PGS004923
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.82 [1.42, 2.37] AUROC: 0.734 [0.678, 0.79] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021599 PGS003443
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.8 [1.4, 2.32] AUROC: 0.738 [0.684, 0.791] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021641 PGS002771
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.18 [1.07, 1.31] C-index: 0.645 [0.618, 0.672] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021601 PGS003445
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.8 [1.4, 2.32] AUROC: 0.738 [0.684, 0.791] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021602 PGS001818
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.74 [1.36, 2.22] AUROC: 0.734 [0.679, 0.788] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021603 PGS000805
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.7 [1.35, 2.16] AUROC: 0.734 [0.679, 0.788] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021604 PGS002671
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.73 [1.35, 2.21] AUROC: 0.737 [0.68, 0.793] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021605 PGS002026
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.6 [1.26, 2.03] AUROC: 0.722 [0.664, 0.78] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021606 PGS003103
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.61 [1.26, 2.07] AUROC: 0.726 [0.67, 0.781] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021607 PGS002771
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.64 [1.27, 2.12] AUROC: 0.728 [0.673, 0.783] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021608 PGS000868
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.57 [1.24, 2.0] AUROC: 0.727 [0.672, 0.782] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021609 PGS001357
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.45 [1.14, 1.84] AUROC: 0.712 [0.655, 0.769] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021610 PGS002780
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.44 [1.13, 1.83] AUROC: 0.712 [0.655, 0.769] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021611 PGS000330
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.43 [1.12, 1.83] AUROC: 0.714 [0.658, 0.77] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021612 PGS000036
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.39 [1.1, 1.77] AUROC: 0.722 [0.668, 0.776] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021613 PGS000729
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.4 [1.1, 1.8] AUROC: 0.718 [0.666, 0.771] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021614 PGS002243
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.36 [1.08, 1.73] AUROC: 0.708 [0.65, 0.766] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021615 PGS000014
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.28 [1.01, 1.61] AUROC: 0.705 [0.648, 0.763] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021616 PGS001781
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.22 [0.96, 1.55] AUROC: 0.704 [0.647, 0.761] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021617 PGS000864
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.05 [0.83, 1.32] AUROC: 0.7 [0.643, 0.757] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021619 PGS003444
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.91 [1.78, 2.05] AUROC: 0.746 [0.732, 0.761] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021620 PGS003445
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.91 [1.78, 2.05] AUROC: 0.746 [0.732, 0.761] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021621 PGS004923
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.88 [1.75, 2.01] AUROC: 0.742 [0.727, 0.756] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021622 PGS002771
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.85 [1.73, 1.99] AUROC: 0.742 [0.728, 0.757] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021623 PGS003103
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.72 [1.6, 1.84] AUROC: 0.73 [0.715, 0.745] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021624 PGS002026
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.64 [1.53, 1.75] AUROC: 0.724 [0.709, 0.739] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021625 PGS001357
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.62 [1.52, 1.73] AUROC: 0.723 [0.708, 0.738] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021626 PGS000330
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.62 [1.51, 1.73] AUROC: 0.724 [0.709, 0.738] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021627 PGS002671
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.61 [1.51, 1.72] AUROC: 0.721 [0.706, 0.736] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021628 PGS001818
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.61 [1.51, 1.72] AUROC: 0.723 [0.708, 0.738] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021629 PGS000805
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.61 [1.51, 1.73] AUROC: 0.721 [0.706, 0.736] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021630 PGS000713
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.59 [1.49, 1.7] AUROC: 0.721 [0.705, 0.736] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021631 PGS002243
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.57 [1.47, 1.67] AUROC: 0.718 [0.703, 0.733] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021632 PGS000729
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.55 [1.45, 1.66] AUROC: 0.717 [0.703, 0.732] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021633 PGS001781
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.53 [1.43, 1.64] AUROC: 0.716 [0.701, 0.731] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021634 PGS002780
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.53 [1.43, 1.63] AUROC: 0.713 [0.698, 0.729] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021635 PGS000014
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.48 [1.39, 1.58] AUROC: 0.711 [0.696, 0.726] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021636 PGS000868
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.49 [1.39, 1.59] AUROC: 0.711 [0.696, 0.726] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021637 PGS000036
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.44 [1.35, 1.54] AUROC: 0.707 [0.692, 0.722] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021638 PGS000864
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.23 [1.16, 1.31] AUROC: 0.693 [0.678, 0.709] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021639 PGS004923
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.22 [1.1, 1.34] C-index: 0.649 [0.623, 0.676] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021640 PGS000805
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.19 [1.08, 1.31] C-index: 0.646 [0.619, 0.673] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021643 PGS000729
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.16 [1.05, 1.28] C-index: 0.642 [0.615, 0.669] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021644 PGS001357
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.15 [1.04, 1.27] C-index: 0.645 [0.618, 0.672] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021645 PGS001781
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.13 [1.03, 1.25] C-index: 0.641 [0.613, 0.668] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021647 PGS000868
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.13 [1.02, 1.24] C-index: 0.644 [0.616, 0.671] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021649 PGS003444
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.13 [1.02, 1.24] C-index: 0.642 [0.616, 0.669] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021650 PGS003445
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.13 [1.02, 1.24] C-index: 0.642 [0.616, 0.669] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021651 PGS002026
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.12 [1.02, 1.24] C-index: 0.643 [0.616, 0.67] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021652 PGS002780
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.12 [1.01, 1.23] C-index: 0.644 [0.617, 0.671] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021653 PGS000014
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.12 [1.01, 1.23] C-index: 0.641 [0.614, 0.669] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021654 PGS000713
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.12 [1.01, 1.23] C-index: 0.644 [0.617, 0.671] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021655 PGS003103
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.11 [1.01, 1.23] C-index: 0.643 [0.615, 0.67] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021656 PGS000036
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.11 [1.0, 1.22] C-index: 0.641 [0.614, 0.668] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021657 PGS002243
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.1 [1.0, 1.22] C-index: 0.641 [0.614, 0.668] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021658 PGS001818
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.09 [0.98, 1.2] C-index: 0.642 [0.615, 0.669] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021659 PGS000864
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 0.94 [0.85, 1.03] C-index: 0.639 [0.612, 0.667] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021660 PGS000713
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.74 [1.25, 2.41] C-index: 0.722 [0.646, 0.798] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021661 PGS003103
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.66 [1.19, 2.31] C-index: 0.713 [0.638, 0.787] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021662 PGS002771
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.61 [1.14, 2.27] C-index: 0.697 [0.619, 0.775] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021663 PGS000330
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.58 [1.13, 2.22] C-index: 0.695 [0.611, 0.779] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021664 PGS003443
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.57 [1.12, 2.21] C-index: 0.689 [0.612, 0.765] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021665 PGS003444
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.57 [1.12, 2.21] C-index: 0.689 [0.612, 0.765] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021666 PGS003445
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.57 [1.12, 2.21] C-index: 0.689 [0.612, 0.765] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021667 PGS004923
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.43 [1.02, 2.01] C-index: 0.696 [0.624, 0.767] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021668 PGS001357
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.39 [1.01, 1.92] C-index: 0.687 [0.612, 0.762] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021669 PGS000729
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.4 [1.0, 1.95] C-index: 0.686 [0.611, 0.76] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021670 PGS000868
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.37 [0.99, 1.9] C-index: 0.684 [0.609, 0.758] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021671 PGS002671
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.37 [0.99, 1.89] C-index: 0.688 [0.612, 0.764] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021672 PGS002780
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.31 [0.95, 1.81] C-index: 0.683 [0.61, 0.755] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021673 PGS000805
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.28 [0.93, 1.76] C-index: 0.679 [0.606, 0.753] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021674 PGS002026
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.28 [0.92, 1.77] C-index: 0.686 [0.609, 0.763] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021675 PGS001818
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.25 [0.9, 1.73] C-index: 0.687 [0.616, 0.758] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021676 PGS001781
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.24 [0.9, 1.72] C-index: 0.685 [0.609, 0.761] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021677 PGS000014
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.24 [0.9, 1.7] C-index: 0.684 [0.609, 0.758] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021678 PGS000036
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.23 [0.89, 1.7] C-index: 0.68 [0.603, 0.756] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021679 PGS002243
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.15 [0.83, 1.58] C-index: 0.679 [0.606, 0.752] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021682 PGS003444
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.42 [1.3, 1.55] C-index: 0.639 [0.617, 0.662] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021683 PGS003445
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.42 [1.3, 1.55] C-index: 0.639 [0.617, 0.662] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021684 PGS002771
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.35 [1.24, 1.48] C-index: 0.63 [0.607, 0.652] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021685 PGS004923
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.35 [1.24, 1.48] C-index: 0.629 [0.606, 0.651] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021686 PGS003103
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.33 [1.22, 1.45] C-index: 0.627 [0.605, 0.65] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021687 PGS000330
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.28 [1.17, 1.4] C-index: 0.622 [0.6, 0.645] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021688 PGS000805
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.26 [1.16, 1.38] C-index: 0.617 [0.594, 0.64] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021689 PGS000713
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.26 [1.15, 1.37] C-index: 0.619 [0.596, 0.641] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021690 PGS000729
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.24 [1.14, 1.36] C-index: 0.615 [0.592, 0.638] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021691 PGS002671
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.24 [1.13, 1.35] C-index: 0.612 [0.589, 0.636] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021692 PGS000868
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.24 [1.14, 1.35] C-index: 0.613 [0.59, 0.637] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021693 PGS001818
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.24 [1.13, 1.35] C-index: 0.616 [0.594, 0.639] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021694 PGS002026
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.23 [1.13, 1.35] C-index: 0.617 [0.595, 0.64] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021695 PGS002243
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.17 [1.08, 1.28] C-index: 0.609 [0.586, 0.632] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021696 PGS001781
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.16 [1.06, 1.27] C-index: 0.607 [0.584, 0.63] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021697 PGS001357
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.15 [1.06, 1.26] C-index: 0.606 [0.583, 0.629] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021698 PGS000036
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.15 [1.05, 1.25] C-index: 0.606 [0.583, 0.629] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021699 PGS000014
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.14 [1.05, 1.24] C-index: 0.605 [0.582, 0.628] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021700 PGS002780
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.12 [1.03, 1.22] C-index: 0.603 [0.58, 0.626] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021701 PGS000864
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.1 [1.02, 1.2] C-index: 0.604 [0.58, 0.627] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021410 PGS004923
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.92 [1.88, 1.97] AUROC: 0.737 [0.732, 0.742] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021412 PGS003443
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.86 [1.82, 1.9] AUROC: 0.731 [0.726, 0.736] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021430 PGS002780
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.46 [1.42, 1.49] AUROC: 0.694 [0.689, 0.699] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021431 PGS000864
European Ancestry|
109,021 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.34 [1.32, 1.37] AUROC: 0.687 [0.682, 0.692] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021440 PGS003443
European Ancestry|
38,941 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.98 [1.84, 2.13] C-index: 0.77 [0.754, 0.786] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021472 PGS003103
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.28 [1.25, 1.32] AUROC: 0.721 [0.714, 0.727] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021487 PGS000864
African Ancestry|
44,346 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.03 [1.0, 1.06] AUROC: 0.711 [0.705, 0.718] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021488 PGS003443
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry|
33,652 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.77 [1.71, 1.84] AUROC: 0.78 [0.773, 0.786] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021516 PGS002026
East Asian Ancestry|
1,149 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.32 [1.13, 1.54] AUROC: 0.621 [0.579, 0.663] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021537 PGS000805
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.45 [1.23, 1.72] AUROC: 0.674 [0.633, 0.716] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021540 PGS003443
South Asian Ancestry|
852 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.43 [1.21, 1.7] AUROC: 0.667 [0.626, 0.708] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021558 PGS004923
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.63 [1.37, 1.96] AUROC: 0.697 [0.655, 0.739] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021563 PGS000330
Additional Asian Ancestries|
870 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes OR: 1.45 [1.22, 1.72] AUROC: 0.674 [0.632, 0.717] Age at baseline, sex (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021578 PGS003443
African Ancestry|
6,871 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.4 [1.3, 1.52] AUROC: 0.723 [0.705, 0.742] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021600 PGS003444
East Asian Ancestry|
1,432 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.8 [1.4, 2.32] AUROC: 0.738 [0.684, 0.791] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021618 PGS003443
South Asian Ancestry|
6,992 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Type 2 diabetes OR: 1.91 [1.78, 2.05] AUROC: 0.746 [0.732, 0.761] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021642 PGS000330
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.17 [1.06, 1.29] C-index: 0.646 [0.619, 0.672] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021646 PGS002671
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.13 [1.02, 1.24] C-index: 0.642 [0.615, 0.67] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021648 PGS003443
African Ancestry|
6,019 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.13 [1.02, 1.24] C-index: 0.642 [0.616, 0.669] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information
PPM021680 PGS000864
East Asian Ancestry|
1,350 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.1 [0.81, 1.5] C-index: 0.677 [0.604, 0.75] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting)
PPM021681 PGS003443
South Asian Ancestry|
5,685 individuals
PGP000656 |
Ritchie SC et al. medRxiv (2024)
Reported Trait: Incident type 2 diabetes HR: 1.42 [1.3, 1.55] C-index: 0.639 [0.617, 0.662] Age at baseline, sex assessment centre (PGS adjusted for 20 PCs prior to model fitting) Note: Performance is based on a linear combination of PGS003443 (weight=0.531117), PGS003444 (weight=0.5690198) and PGS003445 (weight=0.1465538). See score development details for more information

Evaluated Samples

PGS Sample Set ID
Phenotype Definitions and Methods Participant Follow-up Time Sample Numbers Age of Study Participants Sample Ancestry Additional Ancestry Description Cohort(s) Additional Sample/Cohort Information
PSS011735 T2D cases were ascertained based on a combination of hospital diagnosis codes, prescription medication, and lab results from blood tests occurring prior to baseline assessment. Participants were considered controls if they had no history of any diabetes diagnoses, T2D medication, or abnormal glucose or HbA1c lab results. Participants with T1D or uncertain diabetes status were excluded from analysis
  • 5,663 cases
  • , 38,683 controls
African unspecified Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations AllofUs
PSS011736 T2D cases were ascertained based on a combination of hospital diagnosis codes, prescription medication, and lab results from blood tests occurring prior to baseline assessment. Participants were considered controls if they had no history of any diabetes diagnoses, T2D medication, or abnormal glucose or HbA1c lab results. Participants with T1D or uncertain diabetes status were excluded from analysis
  • 4,033 cases
  • , 29,619 controls
Hispanic or Latin American Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations AllofUs
PSS011737 T2D cases were ascertained based on a combination of hospital diagnosis codes, prescription medication, and lab results from blood tests occurring prior to baseline assessment. Participants were considered controls if they had no history of any diabetes diagnoses, T2D medication, or abnormal glucose or HbA1c lab results. Participants with T1D or uncertain diabetes status were excluded from analysis
  • 10,069 cases
  • , 98,952 controls
European Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations AllofUs
PSS011738 T2D was defined using ICD-10 codes E10-E14, G59.0, G63.2, H28.0, H36.0, M14.2, N08.3, or O24.0-O24.3. Participants with any diabetes history were excluded from analysis. Incident diabetes events were treated as incident T2D
  • 726 cases
  • , 38,215 controls
European Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations INTERVAL
PSS011739 Incident T2D was ascertained through a combination of linkage to national healthcare records, self-reported medical history at follow-up assessment (either diagnosis from a primary care physician or current diabetes medication usage), or with blood biomarker concentrations indicative of diabetes following the American Diabetes Association criteria (fasting glucose ≥ 7 mmol/L or HbA1c ≥ 6.5% or random blood glucose ≥11 mmol/L)
  • 187 cases
  • , 683 controls
South East Asian
(Malay Singaporean)
Ancestry label assigned based on Malay being the majority reported ethnicity within the genetic cluster SingaporeMEC
PSS011740 Incident T2D was ascertained through a combination of linkage to national healthcare records, self-reported medical history at follow-up assessment (either diagnosis from a primary care physician or current diabetes medication usage), or with blood biomarker concentrations indicative of diabetes following the American Diabetes Association criteria (fasting glucose ≥ 7 mmol/L or HbA1c ≥ 6.5% or random blood glucose ≥11 mmol/L)
  • 205 cases
  • , 944 controls
East Asian
(Chinese Singaporean)
Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations SingaporeMEC
PSS011741 Incident T2D was ascertained through a combination of linkage to national healthcare records, self-reported medical history at follow-up assessment (either diagnosis from a primary care physician or current diabetes medication usage), or with blood biomarker concentrations indicative of diabetes following the American Diabetes Association criteria (fasting glucose ≥ 7 mmol/L or HbA1c ≥ 6.5% or random blood glucose ≥11 mmol/L)
  • 194 cases
  • , 658 controls
South Asian
(Indian Singaporean)
Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations SingaporeMEC
PSS011742 Prevalent T2D status at baseline was adjudicated from a combination of retrospective hospital episode records, self-reported history of diabetes, and baseline medication using the Eastwood et al. algorithms. Incident T2D cases were ascertained following the Eastwood et al. algorithms on the basis of ICD-10 diagnosis coding E11 in either the hospital inpatient or death registry data
  • 395 cases
  • , 5,624 controls
African unspecified Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations UKB
PSS011743 Prevalent T2D status at baseline was adjudicated from a combination of retrospective hospital episode records, self-reported history of diabetes, and baseline medication using the Eastwood et al. algorithms. Incident T2D cases were ascertained following the Eastwood et al. algorithms on the basis of ICD-10 diagnosis coding E11 in either the hospital inpatient or death registry data
  • 766 cases
  • , 6,105 controls
African unspecified Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations UKB
PSS011744 Prevalent T2D status at baseline was adjudicated from a combination of retrospective hospital episode records, self-reported history of diabetes, and baseline medication using the Eastwood et al. algorithms. Incident T2D cases were ascertained following the Eastwood et al. algorithms on the basis of ICD-10 diagnosis coding E11 in either the hospital inpatient or death registry data
  • 37 cases
  • , 1,313 controls
East Asian Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations UKB
PSS011745 Prevalent T2D status at baseline was adjudicated from a combination of retrospective hospital episode records, self-reported history of diabetes, and baseline medication using the Eastwood et al. algorithms. Incident T2D cases were ascertained following the Eastwood et al. algorithms on the basis of ICD-10 diagnosis coding E11 in either the hospital inpatient or death registry data
  • 76 cases
  • , 1,356 controls
East Asian Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations UKB
PSS011746 Prevalent T2D status at baseline was adjudicated from a combination of retrospective hospital episode records, self-reported history of diabetes, and baseline medication using the Eastwood et al. algorithms. Incident T2D cases were ascertained following the Eastwood et al. algorithms on the basis of ICD-10 diagnosis coding E11 in either the hospital inpatient or death registry data
  • 6,016 cases
  • , 226,792 controls
European Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations UKB
PSS011747 Prevalent T2D status at baseline was adjudicated from a combination of retrospective hospital episode records, self-reported history of diabetes, and baseline medication using the Eastwood et al. algorithms. Incident T2D cases were ascertained following the Eastwood et al. algorithms on the basis of ICD-10 diagnosis coding E11 in either the hospital inpatient or death registry data
  • 11,080 cases
  • , 234,097 controls
European Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations UKB
PSS011748 Prevalent T2D status at baseline was adjudicated from a combination of retrospective hospital episode records, self-reported history of diabetes, and baseline medication using the Eastwood et al. algorithms. Incident T2D cases were ascertained following the Eastwood et al. algorithms on the basis of ICD-10 diagnosis coding E11 in either the hospital inpatient or death registry data
  • 513 cases
  • , 5,172 controls
South Asian Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations UKB
PSS011749 Prevalent T2D status at baseline was adjudicated from a combination of retrospective hospital episode records, self-reported history of diabetes, and baseline medication using the Eastwood et al. algorithms. Incident T2D cases were ascertained following the Eastwood et al. algorithms on the basis of ICD-10 diagnosis coding E11 in either the hospital inpatient or death registry data
  • 1,253 cases
  • , 5,739 controls
South Asian Ancestry label assigned based on genetic similarity with 1000 Genomes reference panel superpopulations UKB